
How to Plot a Function with 2 Variables in MATLAB

MATLAB is a widely used tool for plotting different functions of different types. It allows us to plot 2D or 3D plots. Plotting a function of two variables is a common task used for data visualization. MATLAB enables us to plot such functions using MATLAB’s built-in functions.

In this blog, we will first learn the steps to plot a function with 2 variables in MATLAB, then we will provide functions that can be used to plot a function with 2 variables with examples to help us understand the concept.

How to Plot a Function Having Two Variables in MATLAB?

Before moving towards the methods for plotting a function with 2 variables in MATLAB, we must learn how to plot such a function in MATLAB using the commonly used meshgrid() function. See the step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Initialize two vectors as the domain of the two independent variables of the given function.

Step 2: Calculate the values of the dependent variable by putting the values of independent variables in the given function.

Step 3: Apply the meshgrid() function to get a grid of (x,y) coordinates.

Step 4: Plot the resultant values using MATLAB’s built-in function.

We can plot a function with two variables in MATLAB:

1: How to Plot a Function Having 2 Variables in MATLAB Using mesh() Function?

A function with 2 variables can be plotted in MATLAB using the mesh plots. A mesh plot is a 3D plot that allows us to plot a function of the form z=f(x, y) where z behaves like the dependent variable while x as well as y behave like independent variables. This kind of plot can be plotted using MATLAB’s mesh() built-in function.


The given example uses the mesh() function to plot a function with two variables in MATLAB.

X = [1:0.1:4];
Y = [5:0.2:12];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(X,Y);
Z = X.^3 - 1./Y.^2;
mesh(X, Y, Z);

For more detail, follow this What is Mesh Plot in MATLAB.

2: How to Plot a Function with 2 Variables in MATLAB Using surf() Function?

We can plot a function having 2 variables in MATLAB using the surface plots. The surface plot is a 3-D plot that enables us to plot a function of the form z=f(x, y) having solid face and edge colors. Here z is the dependent variable and x and y are independent variables. This kind of plot can be plotted using MATLAB’s built-in surf() function.


In this example, we draw a surface plot of a function having two variables using the surf() function in MATLAB.

X = [1:0.1:4];
Y = [5:0.2:12];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(X,Y);
Z = X.^3 - 1./Y.^2;
surf(X, Y, Z);

Read the guide Create Surface Plot Using surf() Function in MATLAB for more details.

3: How to Plot a Function with 2 Variables in MATLAB Using ezsurf() Function?

The ezsurf() is a built-in function in MATLAB used for plotting colored surface plots. These plots can graph both real and complex-valued functions. Unlike the surf() and mesh() plots, the ezsurf() plots do not require creating a meshgrid. These plots simply accept the function which we want to plot as an argument and create a colored surface plot for the by default domain [-2*pi, 2*pi]. You can also create the ezsurf plots over the specified range.


In the given example, we draw a surface plot of a function having two variables using the ezsurf() function in MATLAB.

syms f(x,y)
f(x,y) = real(atan(2*x + 5*i*y));


MATLAB is a beneficial programming language that is widely used for plotting different functions of different types. Plotting a function with two variables is an important task that can be performed using MATLAB’s built-in mesh(), surf() and ezsurf() functions. This tutorial went through the steps to plot a function having 2 variables in MATLAB using some examples.

About the author

Komal Batool Batool

I am passionate to research technologies and new ideas and that has brought me here to write for the LinuxHint. My major focus is to write on programming languages and computer science related topics.