
What is linspace Used for in MATLAB

Imagine you are working on a project in MATLAB, and you need to generate a sequence of numbers that are evenly spaced. Whether you are plotting graphs, performing calculations, or analyzing data, having a tool that can create these sequences for you can be incredibly helpful. That’s where linspace comes in.

This article presents a detailed tutorial on the use of linspace in MATLAB.

What is linspace?

The linspace is a built-in MATLAB function that allows you to effortlessly generate a series of values with equal spacing between them. It takes away the hassle of manually calculating and creating these sequences, saving you time and energy.

Using linspace is quite straightforward. You simply provide it with a starting point, an ending point, and the number of values you want in between. MATLAB then does the rest of the work by automatically calculating the spacing between the values to ensure they are evenly distributed.

Syntax for linspace in MATLAB

The syntax for using linspace in MATLAB is as follows:

linspace(start, stop, n)

Let’s break down the components of this syntax:

  • start: This is the starting sequence value.
  • stop: This is the ending sequence value.
  • n: This is the number of values you want in the sequence.

When you call the linspace function with these arguments, MATLAB will generate a row vector that contains n evenly spaced values between start and stop.

Examples of linspace in MATLAB

If you want to create a sequence of ten values between 0 and 1, you can use the following code:

result = linspace(0, 1, 10)

You can also use the linspace function to generate a sequence of five negative numbers starting from -5 and ending at -1:

result = linspace(-5, -1, 5)

linspace can also be used with complex numbers to create equally spaced points in the complex plane.

For example, the following code will generate a vector complex_vector containing 5 equally spaced points between the complex numbers 0+1i and 2+3i.

complex_vector = linspace(0+1i, 2+3i, 5)

In this way, you can use the linspace function to generate a series of equally spaced numbers in MATLAB.


The linspace is a powerful function in MATLAB that simplifies the process of creating evenly spaced sequences. By specifying the start and stop values along with the desired number of values, you can generate sequences quickly and efficiently for various applications in MATLAB.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.