
Jenkinsfile Run a Shell Script

When you are just getting started with Jenkins, you may realize that you need to invoke the sh, bat, or PowerShell step to run shell commands on your controller.

Although this can be useful when working with a few commands, it can quickly become tiresome and challenging to manage when working with multiple commands or copies of the same Jenkins pipeline.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to eliminate such a problem by adding our commands in a shell script, whether a PowerShell script or a Bash script. We will then discuss how we can tell Jenkins to load the shell script and execute the commands that are defined in the file.


For this tutorial, we use the following:

  1. A Jenkins controller that is running on Windows.
  2. A Jenkins Agent labeled “debian” that is running on Debian 11.

Step 1: Prepare Your Shell Script

The first step is to ensure that you have your shell script ready on the Jenkins agent. Next, we create a simple shell script for this tutorial on the Debian 11 agent.

Login into your Jenkins agent:

$ ssh debian@

Once logged in, we need to create a shell script that we wish to use in our Jenkins pipeline.

$ cd /home/Debian
$ touch

Edit the shell script and add the function of your Shell script. For this tutorial, we get the list of files and directories using awk.

$ vim

We can then add the script as shown in the following:

ls -la | awk '{print $9}'

The previous script is a simple script that calls the ls -la command and passes the output to awk. AWK then prints the value at the specified position.

The next step is to ensure that the shell has execute permissions. We can do this by running the following chmod command:

$ chmod +x

Before running the script on the Jenkins pipeline, you can execute the script on the local machine to ensure that the script is working as expected.

Step 2: Setting Up a Jenkins Job

Once we are done, let us return to the Jenkins controller and configure a job that uses the defined script.

Select “New Item” on the Jenkins dashboard to create a new job. Give the job a name and select the job type as “Pipeline”.

Navigate to the pipeline section and add a pipeline script as shown in the following:

pipeline {
    agent {label 'debian'}

    stages {
        stage('Run Script') {
            steps {
                sh '/home/debian/'

Click on “Save” to apply the script and select “Build Now” on the left pane to allow Jenkins to build the job.

On the build number, select the console output to see the build process for the invoked job.


You have now successfully learned how to invoke a shell script from a Jenkins pipeline in a few steps.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list