c sharp

How to Use Int32.MaxValue Field in C# with Examples

In C# we use “Int32” which is the type that the “.NET framework” has provided. It is primitive in nature and represents the 32-bit signed integer. Its minimum range is “-2,147,483,648” and the maximum range of “Int32” is “+2,147,483,648”. These minimum and maximum ranges are constant. We use “Int32” because it provides different methods which allow us to perform different mathematical operations on it.

The “Int32.MaxValue” field in C# will be covered in this article with examples.

Int32.MaxValue Field in C# with Examples

This field represents the largest value of “Int32” which is always “2,147,483,648” and we cannot change it. The syntax of the “Int32.MaxValue” field is:

public const int MaxValue = 2147483647;

Here is a simple program that shows the value of this field:

using System;

public class Int32_example
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine ("The maximum value of Int32 is: "+Int32.MaxValue);

In the above program:

    • We use the “System” namespace as the “Int32” is included in the “System” namespace.
    • Then, we declare a public class “Int32_example”.
    • Inside the “Int32_example” class we have a static “Main()” method.
    • Finally, inside the “Main()” method we have shown the value of the “Int32.MaxValue” field by calling it.


The above-given output shows the maximum value.

Now, let’s modify the code to see how we can use the “Int32.MaxValue” field:

using System;

public class Int32_example
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        long[] a = { 123, -123, 1234567, 7162539988766655355 };
        Console.WriteLine ("The maximum value of Int32 is: "+Int32.MaxValue);
        Console.WriteLine ("The minimum value of Int32 is: "+Int32.MinValue);
        foreach (long n in a)
         if (n >= Int32.MinValue && n <= Int32.MaxValue)
            Console.WriteLine($"The number {n} can be converted to Int32. The number after conversion is: "+Convert.ToInt32(n));
            Console.WriteLine($"The number {n} can not be converted to Int32.");

According to the above-stated code:

    • We use the “System” namespace and declare a class “Int32_example”.
    • Inside the “Main()” method of this class, we have declared an array “a” of type “long” that contains “{ 123, -123, 1234567, 7162539988766655355 }”.
    • To display the maximum and minimum range, we first printed the maximum and minimum values of the “Int32.MaxValue” field.
    • Then, we use a “foreach” loop to check whether each element of this array “a” lies between this range or not.
    • If an element of array “a” lies in this range then it will be converted to “Int32” and printed on the screen.
    • Otherwise, if the element does not lie in the range of “Int32” the message will be displayed that “The number cannot be converted to Int32”.


In this output:

    • We can see that the first two lines show the maximum and minimum values of “Int32”.
    • The third line checks “123” which lies within this range so it is converted to “Int32”.
    • The fourth line checks “-123” which also lies within the given range so it is converted to “Int32”.
    • The fifth line checks “1234567” which is also in the given range so its value is converted to “Int32”.
    • The last line checks “7162539988766655355” which is greater than the given range so its value is not converted to “Int32”.

Using code examples, we went through the “Int32.MaxValue” property in C#.


Int32” is provided by the “.NET framework” and is primitive in nature. It is a 32-bit signed value. The “Int32.MaxValue” field is the maximum range that cannot be changed as it is constant in nature. We can use this field to check whether a number lies in the “Int32” range or not. This guide described the “Int32.MaxValue” field in C#.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.