Linux Mint

How to Install The Official Telegram Desktop App in Linux Mint Via PPA

Telegram is an application for communication which allows users to communicate with friends and family members via video call, voice call and messaging. You can use it on different platforms like Windows, Android, and iOS to share large number of files without worrying about the size limitation. Telegram also offers you the channels to connect with the people worldwide.

Follow this guide to learn how you can install the official Telegram Desktop application in Linux Mint using PPA repository.

How to Install Official Telegram Desktop App in Linux Mint Via PPA

To install the official Telegram Desktop application on Linux Mint using PPA repository, follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Execute the command given below to add the PPA repository for Telegram Desktop:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram

Step 2: After adding the repository, update Linux Mint repository by executing the command given below:

sudo apt-get update

Step 3: Now execute the command given below to install the Telegram Desktop on Linux Mint.

sudo apt-get install telegram

Step 4: To launch Telegram Desktop, click on Linux Mint icon, go to the Internet, and click on Telegram Desktop:

How to Use Telegram Desktop App in Linux Mint

To use the Telegram Desktop application on Linux Mint, follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: First of all, launch the application from the application menu and click on the button Start Messaging:

Step 2: To open the application scan the QR code from your Mobile Telegram account by following the given instruction and log into your account:

Or, you can log into Telegram Desktop application using your Mobile number:

How to Remove Telegram Desktop from Linux Mint

You can remove the Telegram desktop application from Linux Mint by executing the command given below:

sudo apt remove telegram


Telegram desktop can be installed on Linux Mint by adding the PPA repository and then updating the repository using the “apt-update” command to apply the changes. After that you can install Telegram desktop on Linux Mint using the “apt install” command. You can run the Telegram app from the application menu and log in to your account using your mobile number or scanning the QR code through your Telegram application on your mobile.

About the author

Rafia Amjad

I have a degree in Electronics and love to write. My research and writing emphasize on the most recent innovations in gaming and technology.