
How do I Center an Image Horizontally in Bootstrap?

While developing any application, images play a vital role in enhancing its visual representation. However, these images must have proper layout and alignment. To align the images, the “img-fluid”, “float-left”, and “float-right” classes can be used. More specifically, to center align the image, the “text-center” and the “mx-auto d-block” classes are utilized.

This write-up will explain how to center an image horizontally in Bootstrap.

Prerequisite: Add an Image

In HTML, add an image by using the “<img>” tag by following the given instructions:

  • >Add a “<div>” element.
  • Within this “<div>” tag, add an image by using the “<img>” element with the “src”, “width”, and “alt” attributes.
  • The “src” sets the image path.
  • The “width” adjusts the image size.
  • The “alt” specifies the alternative text in case the image could not load.


<img src="/images/coffee-2390136_1920.jpg" width="500" class="img-responsive" alt="book with coffee">


How to Center an Image Horizontally in Bootstrap Using “text-center” Class?

The Bootstrap “text-center” class center aligns the images. This class has a predefined CSS “text-align” property with the value “center” that assists in setting the center alignment of an image horizontally.


Assign the “text-center” class to the parent “<div>” element as shown here:

<div class="text-center">


How to Center an Image Horizontally in Bootstrap Using “mx-auto d-block” Class?

The “mx-auto” in combination with the “d-block” class, aligns the image in the center. The “mx-auto” is the CSS “margin” property with the value “auto”, and the “d-block” property is the CSS “display” property with the value “block”.


Let’s implement the “mx-auto” and “d-block” classes to the “<img>” element and see the effect:

<img src="/images/coffee-2336.jpg" width="500" class="mx-auto d-block" alt="book with coffee">


In this way, you can center an image horizontally in Bootstrap.


To center an image horizontally in Bootstrap, first, create an HTML file and add an image to it using the “<img>” tag. Assign it the required attributes, such as “src”, “alt”, “width” and more. Add the “text-center” class to the image’s parent element to adjust the center alignment of the image. The “mx-auto” class, in combination with the “d-block” class, can also be used for this purpose. This write-up has explained how to center an image horizontally using Bootstrap.

About the author

Nadia Bano

I am an enthusiastic and forward-looking software engineer with an aim to explore the global software industry. I love to write articles on advanced-level designing, coding, and testing.