
How to Get Kubernetes Node IP Address

Nodes are one of the essential aspects of the Kubernetes Orchestration system. These are used to deploy the containerized application inside the pod and each node can execute multiple pods. Kubernetes cluster is more than just a service that runs on a virtual machine. It manages its networking functionality by itself including the allocation of IP addresses and network routing. In Kubernetes, nodes are assigned unique IP addresses to enable communication between different nodes, pods of the same and different nodes, and between node and control plane.

This post will illustrate methods to get Kubernetes node IP address using the following outline:

Method 1: Get Kubernetes Node IP Address Using “kubectl get” Command

Sometimes users are required to check the node IP address for node-to-node communication or for debugging purposes. Occasionally, the user may need to access the application running on the host machine outside the cluster. To access the node IP address in Kubernetes, the user can view the nodes list in a wide format. For demonstration, go through the following procedure.

Step 1: Start Multi-Node Cluster

To start a multi-node minikube cluster, the user needs to run Docker on the system. After that, launch the Windows PowerShell with administrative rights and execute the below command to run the multi-node minikube cluster:

minikube start --nodes 2 -p multinode

Here, the minikube will automatically choose the “Docker” driver and run the cluster nodes in separate Docker containers:

Step 2: Get Node IP Address

To get the node IP address, list down the nodes in a wide format. In the below command, the “-o” option is utilized to specify the output format:

kubectl get nodes -o wide

Under the “INTERNAL-IP” column, the user can view the node’s IP addresses as shown below:

Method 2: Get Kubernetes Node IP Address in Yaml Format

To get more details about the node, IP address, and hostname or to access the IP address rather than in wide format, the user can view the kubernetes node in yaml format. For this purpose, simply use the “kubectl get nodes <node-name> -o yaml” command:

kubectl get nodes multinode-m02 -o yaml

Under the “addresses” key, check the node IP address and its type:

Method 3: Get Kubernetes Node IP Address Using “kubectl describe” Command

The Kubernetes describe command shows the detailed summary of Kubernetes resources such as Kubernetes node information, status, containers, and so on. To get the node IP address, the user can inspect the node and generate the detailed node summary using the “kubectl describe node <node-name>” command:

kubectl describe node multinode-m02

From the below output, you can view the detailed summary of Kubernetes node “multinode-m02

Here, under the “Addresses” key, find the node IP address as well as the hostname of the node:

Method 4: Get Kubernetes Node IP Address by Accessing Node Shell

Another possible way to access the node IP address is by accessing the node interactive shell. The nodes that are running inside the minikube Kubernetes cluster and their interactive shell are accessed through the “minikube” command. After accessing the shell, the user can find the node IP address through the “ip address” command.

For illustration, follow the below instructions.

Step 1: Access Node Interactive Shell

To access the node shell of the minikube cluster, utilize the “minikube ssh -n <node-name> -p <cluster-name>” command:

minikube ssh -n multinode-m02 -p multinode

In the above command, the “-n” is used to specify the node, and “-p” is defining the cluster profile name:

Step 2: Find Node IP Address

After accessing the node shell, execute the “ip address” command to fetch the node IP address:

ip address

Here, you can see we have effectively got the node IP address:

Method 5: Get Kubernetes Node IP Address Using “kubectl debug” Command?

Not every Kubernetes developer uses the minikube cluster. The above section is only applicable to the minikube cluster. To access the Node interactive shell and to find the IP address, the user can utilize the “kubectl debug” command. After accessing the shell, the user needs to access the host directory in the current shell and access the IP address through the “ip address” command. For practical demonstration, follow the listed instructions.

Step 1: Access Node Shell

The “kubectl debug” command is utilized to interact with the Kubernetes resources. To interact with Kubernetes nodes, use the “kubectl debug node/<node-name> -it –image=<debug-image-name>” command. Here, an image is required for debugging. For instance, we have utilized the “ubuntu” image:

kubectl debug node/multinode-m02 -it --image=ubuntu

Step 2: Access host Root Directory

After accessing the interactive shell of the Kubernetes node, access the “/host” root directory in the current shell to execute the root commands:

chroot /host

Step 3: Access IP Address

Now, access the IP address of the node through the given command:

ip address

The below pointed “inet” address is the IP address of “multinode-m02”:

Method 6: Get Kubernetes Node IP Address by Accessing Container IP

Most users run the Kubernetes node in Docker containers. To find the IP address of a node in Kubernetes, the user can access, and inspect the container that runs the nodes. For illustration, go through the below steps.

Step 1: Access Docker Containers

To check the running container, the user can open the Docker Desktop. From the “Containers” menu, check the running containers. To access the IP address of the node, click on the container:

Step 2: Access the IP Address

Next, navigate to the “Inspect” menu, and scroll down to the end. Here, the user can view the IP address of a node in the “IPAddress” key:

Alternatively, the user can run the “docker inspect <cont-name> | findstr “IPAddress”” command in PowerShell to access the IP address of the node running in the container:

docker inspect multinode-m02 | findstr "IPAddress"

We have covered the methods to find the Kubernetes node IP address.


To access the Kubernetes node IP address, the user can utilize various methods such as accessing the IP address using the “kubectl get node -o wide/yaml” command, accessing a detailed summary of a node using “kubectl describe node” command, accessing node interactive shell and executing “ip address” command. If the node is running inside the container, then the user can find the IP address by inspecting the Docker container. This post has illustrated how to get a kubernetes node IP address.

About the author

Rafia Zafar

I am graduated in computer science. I am a junior technical author here and passionate about Programming and learning new technologies. I have worked in JAVA, HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and PHP.