
How to Find Length of Largest Array Dimension in MATLAB Using length() Function?

MATLAB is a powerful programming tool that efficiently handles complex tasks including complex mathematical formulation or large dimensional array operations. The ability to handle an array with large dimensional is a useful task that might seem difficult if we think about performing it ourselves. However, with the support of MATLAB, it has now become a fairly easy and quick task to perform several operations on large dimensional arrays. One such operation is calculating the length of the largest array dimension which can be done through the length() function in MATLAB.

This blog is going to explore how to compute the greatest dimension of an array using the length() function.

Why is it Useful to Compute the Length of the Largest Dimension of an Array

Computing the length of the largest dimension of an array is useful since it helps us find the size of an array. If we have information about the length of the largest dimension in an array, we can find the number of elements in an array. Further finding the length of the greatest dimension of an array is a pretty useful factor when we want to iterate an array because we can stop the array to that specific point so that the iterator will not go beyond this range.

How to Calculate the Length of the Largest Dimension of an Array Using the length() Function in MATLAB

The length of the greatest dimension in an array is the number of elements in the array along that dimension, and we can easily fit it in MATLAB using the built-in length() function. This function takes an array that can be a vector, a matrix, or a multidirectional array as an input and returns the calculated length of its largest dimension.


In MATLAB, we can use the length() function in the following way:

L = length(X)


The function L = length(X) provides the length of the largest dimension of the given array X.

    • If X represents a vector, this function provides the total number of elements in X.
    • If X represents a multidirectional array, this function provides the length of the largest dimension of X, that is it returns max(size(X)).
    • If X represents an empty array, the function provides the number zero.

Example 1: How to Implement length() Function to Find the Length of a Vector

This MATLAB code computes the length of the given vector using the length() function.

v = 1:2:1000;
L = length(v)


Example 2: How to Use length() Function to Find the Length of a Largest Dimension of a Matrix

In this example, we use the length() function to calculate the length of the greatest dimension of the given matrix.

A = randi(1000,100,50);
L = length(A)


Example 3: How to Use length() Function to Find the Length of a Largest Dimension of an Array

In this MATLAB code, we use the length() function to calculate the length of the largest dimension of the given array.

X = randi(1000,100,50,500);
L = length(X)



MATLAB contains a vast library of built-in functions to perform various matrix and array operations and many other tasks. One such function is the length() function which is responsible for calculating the length of an array’s largest dimension. This guide has provided a detailed guide to the use of the length() function in finding the length of the largest array dimension. It has also provided examples of vectors, arrays, and matrices to help us understand the use of the function.

About the author

Komal Batool Batool

I am passionate to research technologies and new ideas and that has brought me here to write for the LinuxHint. My major focus is to write on programming languages and computer science related topics.