
How to Use ezsurf() Function in MATLAB

The ezsurf() is a built-in function in MATLAB used for plotting colored surface plots. These plots can graph both real and complex-valued functions. Like surf() and mesh() plots, the ezsurf() plots do not require creating a meshgrid. These plots simply accept the function that we want to plot as an argument and create a colored surface plot for the default domain [-2*pi, 2*pi]. You can also create the ezsurf plots over the specified range.


The ezsurf() function has different syntaxes that are given below:








The function ezsurf(f) creates a plot of two variables or the symbolic function f(x,y) over the range -2*pi<x<2*pi and -2*pi<y<2*pi.

The function ezsurf(f,[xmin,xmax]) creates a plot of two variables or symbolic function f(x,y) over the specified range xmin<x<xmax.

The function ezsurf(f,[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) creates a plot of two variables or symbolic function f(x,y) over the specified range xmin<x<xmax and ymin<y<ymax.

The function ezsurf(x,y,z) creates the parametric surface’s plots x = x(s,t), y = y(s,t), and z = z(s,t) over the default range -2*pi < s < 2*pi, -2*pi < t < 2*pi.

The function ezsurf(x,y,z,[smin,smax]) creates the parametric surface’s plots x = x(s,t), y = y(s,t), and z = z(s,t) over the specified range smin < s < smax.

The function ezsurf(___,’circ’) creates an ezsurf plot over the disc by mentioning circ after the input arguments used in the previous syntaxes.


To understand the working of the ezsurf() function in MATLAB, consider some examples.

Example 1: How to Create Surface Plot in MATLAB Using the ezsurf(f) Function?

This example creates the surface plot for the given function f(x,y) over the default range -2*pi<x<2*pi using the ezsurf(f) function.

syms f(x,y)

f(x,y) = real(atan(2*x + 5*i*y));


Example 2: How to Create Surface Plot in MATLAB Using the ezsurf(f, [xmin, xmax]) Function?

This example uses the ezsurf(f,[xmin,xmax]) function to plot surface plots for the given function f(x,y).

syms f(x,y)

f(x,y) = real(atan(2*x + 5*i*y));

ezsurf(f, [-pi/2, pi/2])

Example 3: How to Create Surface Plot in MATLAB Using the ezsurf(f,[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) Function?

In the given example, we plot the surface plots for the given function f(x,y) using the ezsurf(f,[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)] function.

syms f(x,y)

f(x,y) = real(atan(2*x + 5*i*y));

ezsurf(f, [-pi/2, pi/2], [-pi, pi])

Example 4: How to Create Surface Plot in MATLAB Using the ezsurf(x,y,z,[smin,smax]) Function?

In this MATLAB code, we create the surface plot for the given parametric equations using the ezsurf(x,y,z,[smin,smax]) function.

syms s t

r = cos(7*s + 5*t);

x = r*(sin(s)*cos(t))^2;

y = r*sqrt(cos(3*s)*sin(t));

z = r*exp(t);

ezsurf(x, y, z, [0, -pi, 0, pi], 150)

Example 5: How to Create Surface Plot in MATLAB Using the ezsurf(___,’circ’) Function?

This example illustrates the functionality of the ezsurf() function by creating the disc over the given range.

syms x y

ezsurf(cos(x^2 + y^2), [-pi/2, pi/2, -pi/2, pi/2],'circ')


The ezsurf() function in MATLAB is a powerful tool for creating colored surface plots and can be used to plot both real and complex-valued functions. The syntax for the ezsurf() function is simple and easy to understand. If you need to create a colored surface plot in MATLAB, the ezsurf() function is a great option. This tutorial has provided a brief overview of different syntaxes of the ezsurf() function and presented examples for each case to help you understand the basics of this function in MATLAB.

About the author

Komal Batool Batool

I am passionate to research technologies and new ideas and that has brought me here to write for the LinuxHint. My major focus is to write on programming languages and computer science related topics.