
What is the Difference Between fprintf and disp in MATLAB

When working with MATLAB, there are various functions available to display information and output results. Two commonly used functions for this purpose are fprintf and disp. Though they both are used for displaying information, there are significant differences between them.

In this article, we will show the differences between fprintf and disp in MATLAB, their specific use cases, and how they affect the output.

Difference Between fprintf and disp in MATLAB

In this section, we will show the difference between fprintf and disp in MATLAB.

What is a fprintf Function in MATLAB?

fprintf is a function in MATLAB that allows precise formatting and printing of data. It is commonly used when you need to display formatted text or output results to a file. With fprintf, you have control over the layout, alignment, and formatting of the displayed data. It uses format specifiers to define the output format, enabling you to control the appearance of numbers, strings, and other variables.

What is a disp Function in MATLAB?

disp is a short form of display is another useful function in MATLAB that simplifies the process of displaying data. It is primarily used for quick and simple output of variables or values without the need for complex formatting. Unlike fprintf, disp does not provide advanced formatting options. It is specifically designed to present the displayed content in a clear and easily understandable manner. The disp is especially handy for quick debugging, testing, or displaying basic information.


The primary difference between fprintf and disp lies in their intended use and formatting capabilities. The fprintf function is particularly useful when you require precise control over the formatting and arrangement of the output. It is commonly used in scenarios where you want to generate neatly formatted reports, write data to files, or display results in a specific format. On the other hand, disp is a simpler function that is often used for quick information display, debugging purposes, or when the formatting requirements are minimal.

Another key difference between fprintf and disp is the level of formatting flexibility they offer. With fprintf, you can customize the output format extensively using the format specifiers. disp, on the other hand, provides a basic representation of the data without the ability to modify its appearance significantly.

Another factor to consider is the destination of the output; fprintf allows you to write the formatted output to a file, making it suitable for generating reports or saving results for later analysis. While the disp only displays the output in the MATLAB Command Window or the interactive environment. If you need to store the output for further use or share it with others, fprintf is the preferred choice.

Example of Using fprintf and disp in MATLAB

The following example demonstrates the usage of fprintf and disp in MATLAB.

% Define variables
name = 'Awais Khan';
age = 27;

% Using fprintf
fprintf('Employee Information Using fprint:\n');
fprintf('Name: %s\n', name);
fprintf('Age: %d\n', age);

% Using disp
disp('Employee Information Using disp:');
disp(['Name: ', name]);
disp(['Age: ', num2str(age)]);



In the above MATLAB code, fprintf is used to format and display the employee information. The format specifiers %s and %d are used to specify the data types and formatting for each variable. On the other hand, disp is used to display the same information without any advanced formatting. Both functions provide a clear representation of the data, but fprintf offers more control over the output format. To read more about format specifiers, click here.


fprintf and disp are the two functions in MATLAB. The fprintf provides advanced formatting options and the ability to write output to files, while disp offers simplicity and quick display of data. The choice between the two depends on your specific requirements; the fprintf is a better choice for precise formatting, and the disp is effective for quick and basic information display. Understanding the differences between these functions will help users effectively utilize them in their MATLAB workflow.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.