
How to Find Determinant of Matrix in MATLAB

MATLAB is a programming language and environment that is used for mathematical computing. It is a powerful tool that can be used to perform a wide variety of mathematical operations. Among those operations, calculating the determinant of a matrix is a fundamental operation that is used in many other mathematical operations. The determinant of a matrix is a number that can be used to determine the properties of the matrix. Follow this guide to learn about finding determinant of matrix in MATLAB.

What is Determinant of the Matrix?

The determinant of a matrix is a number used to determine the properties of the matrix and that number is a scalar value calculated for any square matrix. The determinant of a matrix can be used to determine if the matrix is invertible, however, it is widely used to solve systems of linear equations.

Why Is it Important to Find the Determinant of Matrix?

The determinant of matrix is a useful way for solving systems of linear equations, differential equations, linear algebra and other areas of mathematics.

How to Find the Determinant of a Matrix in MATLAB?

MATLAB includes a built-in function det() that makes it possible to find the determinant of a matrix. You only have to pass the matrix as an argument inside the det() function and you will get the desired result, which is the determinant of the provided matrix.


In MATLAB, the det() function can be written as follows:


Where A is the matrix passed as an argument through the det() function.

Return Value

The return value of the det() function is the integer value, which is actually the determinant of the matrix.


Let’s consider some examples that will help you find the determinant of the matrix in MATLAB.

Example 1: How to Find the Determinant of Matrix in MATLAB for Solving Linear Equation?

Let’s consider a simple example that includes two matrices and we will use the det() function to find the determinant of a matrix in MATLAB.

A = [9 3 7; 12 4 8; 11 9 2]

detA = det(A)

Example 2: How to Find the Determinant of Complex Matrix in MATLAB?

Let’s consider another example where we find the determinant of a complex matrix in MATLAB using the det() function.

A = [3+5i 9+2i; 7+4i 12+6i]



Finding the determinant of a matrix in MATLAB can easily be done using the built-in MATLAB function called det() which takes the matrix as an argument and returns the determinant as an output. This tutorial has provided a complete detail of what determinant is and how you can find it easily in your MATLAB codes using the det() function. The examples provided showcase the working of this function in quickly calculating the determinant of a matrix in MATLAB.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.