c sharp

How to Convert int to a string with Leading Zeros in C#

In C#, there are a lot of data types that are used to initialize the variables. Users can also convert the variables initialized with certain data types to some other data types using several methods. For example, to convert an “int” type variable to “string” we use the “ToString()” method. In the same manner, we may change the variable’s data type.

The process of converting an int to a string in C# with leading zeros will be covered in this article.

Convert int to a String with Leading Zeros in C#

We can change an “int” into a “String” in C# by leading zeros. There are a few methods we might employ to do this. Let’s understand these methods in detail:

Method 1: Using the “0” Specifier

Using the “0” specifier we can convert an int to a string with leading zeros in three ways:

i: Using the “0” Format Specifier along with the “ToString()” Method

In the “0” format specifier with the “ToString()” method, we use zeros inside the “ToString()” method. This means the parameter of the “ToString()” method is “0” whose length is equal to the length of the string.

Here is an example to elaborate on this concept:

using System;
public class Leading_zeros_example
    public static void Main()
        int a = 103;
        string b = a.ToString("000000");

According to the above-discussed code:

  • Initially, we used the “System” library.
  • Then, we have a class “Leading_zeros_example”, and a main method as “Main()” in that class.
  • We have initialized an “int” type variable as “a” and assigned a value “103”, you can assign the value of your choice.
  • Then, we initialized a “string” type variable as “b” and called a “ToString()” method.
  • Inside this “ToString()” method we use zeros to convert the int value to a string with leading zeros.
  • The first three zeros inside the “ToString()” method are leading zeros and the last three zeros represent the int value that we have initialized in “a”.
  • The output should be “000103”.

Here is the output of the previously discussed code:

The output is the same as we expected.

ii: Using “0” Format Specifier along with the “String.Format()” Method

We can use the “0” specifier along with the “String.Format()” method in C#. The only difference is here we pass two parameters, one is the length of the string and the other one is the initialized int variable. Now, we will discuss the code example by using the “String.Format()” method along with the “0” format specifier to understand its working:

using System;
public class Leading_zeros_example
    public static void Main()
        int a = 103;
        string b = String.Format("{0:000000}",a);

Here we have used the previously discussed example. Additionally:

  • While initializing the string “b” we use the “String.Format()” method.
  • The first parameter of the “String.Format()” method is zeros representing the length of the string and the second parameter is “a”.

Let’s have a look at the provided output:

iii: Using “0” Format Specifier Along with “$”

In the case of String interpolation “$” we use the initialized int variable and the length of the string along with the “$”. Here we will understand how we can use the “0” format specifier using the “$” in C# to convert an int to a string with leading zeros using the code example:

using System;
public class Leading_zeros_example
    public static void Main()
        int a = 103;
        string b = $"{a:000000}";

Here, again we take the previous code example but the only difference is:

  • We have used “$” while initializing the string type variable “b”.
  • To use the string interpolation “$”, we use “{}”. Inside the “{}”, and utilize the initialized int variable “a” along with zeros having lengths equal to the length of the string.


Method 2: Using the “D” Specifier

We can use the “D” specifier along with the length of the string to convert the int to string with leading zeros in C# instead of zeros. Three methods exist to do this:

i: Using the “D” Format Specifier along with the “ToString()” Method

This method works the same as the above-discussed “0” specifier method but instead of zeros, we use “D” along with the length of the string. Here is an example that elaborates on this concept:

using System;
public class Leading_zeros_example
    public static void Main()
        int a = 103;
        string b = a.ToString("D6");

In the above code:

  • We have used the “System” library and initialized a class as the “Leading_zeros_example” class which has a “Main()” method.
  • Inside the main method, we have initialized an int type variable as “a” with value “103”.
  • Then, we initialized a string type variable as “b” and used the “ToString()” method.
  • We utilized “D” along with the string’s length within the “ToString()” function.

The provided output shows three leading zeros along with the integer number in the form of a string:

ii: Using “D” Format Specifier Along with the “String.Format()” Method

The “String.Format()” method also works the same in the case of “D” as it works with “0”. To check the working of the “D” format specifier using the “String.Format()” method in C#. Try the following example:

using System;
public class Leading_zeros_example
    public static void Main()
        int a = 103;
        string b = String.Format("{0:D6}",a);

This is the sample example as we have discussed above. But here, we used “D” along with the length of the string instead of zeros.

Let’s see the output:

iii: Using “D” Format Specifier Along with the “$”

In the case of the “D” format specifier, we can use the int type variable and the “D” with the size of the string inside the curly brackets of “$”. Try the following code to understand the working:

using System;
public class Leading_zeros_example
    public static void Main()
        int a = 103;
        string b = $"{a:D6}";


  • We use “${}” to initialize string type variable “b” and inside it, we use the int type variable and the “D” with the size of the string.

Method 3: Using the “PadLeft()” Method

The “PadLeft()” method is the most common method to add leading zeros when converting the int to string. This method is used along with the “ToString()” method. It has two parameters; one is the length of the string and the other one is “0” which we want at the leading part of the string. Here is an example:

using System;
public class Leading_zeros_example
    public static void Main()
        int a = 103;
        string b = a.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0');

In this code, we used the same example but with the “PadLeft()” method:

  • While initializing a string, we used the “PadLeft()” method.
  • We have set the length of the string to “6” as we want three leading zeros and the “0” represents the leading zeros.



In C#, we can convert “int” to “string” with the leading zeros. There are several methods that we may utilize for this purpose, including the “ToString()” method, the “String.Format()” method, using the “$” and the “PadLeft()” method. All these methods have their syntax and add leading zeros while converting int to string. In this write-up, we have explained the methods of converting an int to a string with leading zeros in C#.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.