c sharp

How to Convert a “String” to “double” in C#?

In C#, all types of data can be converted to any other data type, such as the string can be converted into the double using different methods. Strings are objects that users can use in their code according to the program requirements to perform different tasks. In C#, when users want to convert a string into a double, they can use the “ToDouble()” method. The only requirement is that the string must contain the numeric data.

The write-up will explain the process of converting a string to double in C#.

Change an Input String to “Double” in C#

In C#, “Double” is basically a floating point number with 15 digits. We use double to store values of decimal numbers. There are three methods in C# for converting the string to double:

Method 1: Using ToDouble()

Through the “ToDouble()” function we can convert a string to double. For this purpose, simply initialize a string in code and then use the “Convert.ToDouble()” function and put the name of that string inside the brackets of this function and then print the required output. It will show the results by converting the string to double. For example:

using System;
public class Doublestring
    public static void Main(string[] args)
       String a = "103.23456712985990653256";

In this code:

  • First, we use the namespace library named “System”.
  • Then, declare the “Doublestring” class.
  • Next, use the “main()” method.
  • Inside the “main()” method, we initialize a string “a”.
  • After that, we convert that string using the “Convert.ToDouble()” method and print the result on the console.

Here is the output of the above-described code:

Method 2: Using Double.Parse()

The “Double.Parse()” method is also used to convert a string into double format. For example:

using System;
public class Doublestring
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        String a = "103.23456712985990653256";
        Double b=Double.Parse(a);


  • We call the “Double.Parse()” method and save results into the double type “b” variable.
  • Then, show the resultant value on the console by using the “Console.WriterLine()” method.


As you can see, the output is the same as the output of the “ToDouble()” method.

Method 3: Using Double.TryParse()

The “Double.TryParse()” method is a boolean function that is utilized for checking whether the string is a valid double or not. It takes two arguments, such as the string and the type double. For example:

using System;
public class Doublestring
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        String a = "103.23456712985990653256";
        Double b;
        Console.WriteLine(Double.TryParse(a,out b));

In this code:

  • We have a class “Doublestring” in which we have a “main()” method.
  • In the “main()” method, we declare and initialize the string as “a” and a double as “b”.
  • Then, we check whether we can convert that string to a double or not.


Note: In “Double.TryParse()” the “out” keyword is used to reference the argument.


In C#, the string can be converted to doubles by using “ToDouble()”, “Double.Parse()” and “Double.TryParse()” methods. These methods use the input strings and display the doubled value as output. That’s all about converting a string to double in C#.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.