
How to Compare Two Matrices in MATLAB?

Matrices are the building blocks in MATLAB used in many applications of science and engineering. MATLAB supports matrix comparison using relational operators such as, greater, smaller, equal, and, not equal. In this article, we are going to learn how to compare two matrices in MATLAB using some examples.

How to Compare Two Matrices in MATLAB?

The relational operators compare each element of two matrices at a time. To make this procedure easier, both matrices must have equal dimensions. In the most basic situation, either both operands are scalars or both operands are identical-sized matrices to perform a comparison between them. The relational operators used for performing matrices comparison are listed below:

  • Greater than > operator
  • Less than < Operator
  • Equal to == operator
  • Not equal to ~= operator

Let’s explain how to compare two matrices using these operators.

How to Compare Two Matrices Using > Operator?

The greater than or > operator in MATLAB is used for comparing all elements of the given two matrices. For example, if we want to compare two matrices A and B by specifying the condition A>B, then a third matrix having equal size to A and B will be returned containing logical values 0 and 1. The logical value 1 will be returned if the specified condition is true otherwise, it will return false.

A = eye(3);
B = zeros (3);
A > B

How to Compare Two Matrices Using < Operator?

The less than or < operator is used for comparing all entries of the given two matrices in MATLAB. For example, if we want to compare two matrices A and B by specifying the condition A<B, then a third matrix having equal size to A and B will be returned containing logical values 0 and 1. The logical value 1 will be returned if the specified condition is true otherwise, it will return false.

A = eye(3);
B = zeros (3);
A < B

How to Compare Two Matrices Using == Operator?

The equal to or == operator allows us to compare all components of the given two matrices in MATLAB. For example, if we want to compare two matrices A and B by specifying the condition A==B, then a third matrix having equal size to A and B will be returned containing logical values 0 and 1. The logical value 1 will be returned if the specified condition is true otherwise, it will return false.

A = eye(3);
B = zeros (3);
A == B

How to Compare Two Matrices Using ~= Operator?

The not equal to or ~= operator compares all members of the given two matrices in MATLAB. For example, if we want to compare two matrices A and B by specifying the condition A~=B, then a third matrix having equal size to A and B will be returned containing logical values 0 and 1. The logical value 1 will be returned if the specified condition is true otherwise, it will return false.

A = eye(3);
B = zeros (3);
A ~= B


MATLAB supports matrix comparison using relation operators including greater than, smaller than, equal to, and, not equal to. These relational operators compare each element of two matrices at a time. To make this procedure easier, both matrices must have equal dimensions. This tutorial explored how to compare two matrices in MATLAB.

About the author

Komal Batool Batool

I am passionate to research technologies and new ideas and that has brought me here to write for the LinuxHint. My major focus is to write on programming languages and computer science related topics.