
How To Change Figure Size in MATLAB

In MATLAB, adjusting the figure size is essential for creating visually appealing and well-optimized plots. Enhancing the visual representation of your data can be achieved by customizing the dimensions of your figures. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of different techniques to alter the figure size in MATLAB.

Method 1: Using the figure Command

The figure command in MATLAB allows you to create a figure with custom dimensions. Altering the size of a figure can be accomplished by specifying the width and height parameters. By providing specific values for these parameters, you can customize the dimensions of the figure to suit your requirements:

% Method 1: Using the figure Command

figure('Position', [x, y, width, height]);

Adjust the values of x, y, width, and height to set the desired position and dimensions of the figure. Below is the complete code that demonstrates the alteration of figure size using the figure command:

% Method 1: Using the figure Command

x = 100; % x-coordinate of the figure's bottom-left corner

y = 100; % y-coordinate of the figure's bottom-left corner

width = 800; % width in pixels

height = 600; % height in pixels

% Create a figure with custom dimensions

figure('Position', [x, y, width, height]);

% Plot your data or add visual elements

% Example: Plot a simple line

xData = 1:10;

yData = xData.^2;

plot(xData, yData);

% Customize the plot (add labels, title, etc.)



title('Plot with Custom Figure Size');

% Display the grid

grid on;

% Show the figure

In the code above, adjust the values of x, y, width, and height according to your desired position and dimensions for the figure. You can plot your data or add any other visual elements using the appropriate MATLAB functions.

Method 2: Modifying the PaperPosition Property

The PaperPosition property of the figure determines its size when printed or saved. By adjusting this property, you can indirectly change the figure size:

% Method 2: Modifying the PaperPosition Property


set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [left, bottom, width, height]);

Set the values of left, bottom, width, and height to specify the position and dimensions of the figure. Below is the complete code that demonstrates the alteration of figure size using the PaperPosition property:

% Method 2: Modifying the PaperPosition Property

left = 0; % Left position of figure on printed page

bottom = 0; % Bottom position of figure on printed page

width = 8.5; % Width in inches

height = 6; % Height in inches

% Create a figure


% Modify the 'PaperPosition' property

set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', [left, bottom, width, height]);

% Plot your data or add visual elements

% Example: Plot a simple line

xData = 1:10;

yData = xData.^2;

plot(xData, yData);

% Customize the plot (add labels, title, etc.)



title('Plot with Custom Figure Size');

% Display the grid

grid on;

In the code above, adjust the values of left, bottom, width, and height according to your desired position and dimensions for the figure. You can plot your data or add any other visual elements using the appropriate MATLAB functions.

Method 3: Adjusting the OuterPosition Property

The OuterPosition property represents the position and size of the figure, including the window frame.

% Method 3: Adjusting the OuterPosition Property


set(gcf, 'OuterPosition', [left, bottom, width, height]);

Specify the values of left, bottom, width, and height to set the position and dimensions of the figure, including the window frame. Below is the complete code that demonstrates the alteration of figure size using the OuterPosition property:

% Method 3: Adjusting the OuterPosition Property

left = 100; % Left position of the figure window

bottom = 100; % Bottom position of the figure window

width = 800; % Width of the figure window in pixels

height = 600; % Height of the figure window in pixels

% Create a figure


% Modify the OuterPosition property

set(gcf, 'OuterPosition', [left, bottom, width, height]);

% Plot your data or add visual elements

% Example: Plot a simple line

xData = 1:10;

yData = xData.^2;

plot(xData, yData);

% Customize the plot (add labels, title, etc.)



title('Plot with Custom Figure Size');

% Display the grid

grid on;

In the code above, adjust the values of left, bottom, width, and height according to your desired position and dimensions for the figure. You can plot your data or add any other visual elements using the appropriate MATLAB functions.

Method 4: Manually Resizing the Figure

MATLAB also provides a manual resizing option for figures. Simply click and drag the edges or corners of the figure window to adjust its size interactively. This method is useful when you want to visually fine-tune the figure dimensions.


Changing the figure size in MATLAB is crucial for creating visually appealing plots. By utilizing methods such as the figure command, modifying properties like PaperPosition and OuterPosition, and manually resizing the figure, you can effectively customize the dimensions of your plots.

About the author

Aaliyan Javaid

I am an electrical engineer and a technical blogger. My keen interest in embedded systems has led me to write and share my knowledge about them.