c sharp

C# “Array” vs “List”: Differences and Benefits

Arrays” and “Lists” are used to save the data. The type of the “array” is fixed and we cannot put objects of some other type in it. However, “List” have generic types and are free-size. Users can also define the type of list at the time of declaration. They can not modify arrays during execution. When initializing an array, the size of an array is initialized and they cannot put objects more than that size. Indexes are used to store objects in arrays and lists. Lists are dynamic in nature, that’s why they can be resized. The list uses both indexes and loops.

In this guide, we will talk about the differences and benefits of “Arrays” and “Lists” in C#.

Arrays in C#

Arrays store data of the same type within fixed memory. The “System.Array” namespace is used for the array. There are indexes in the array to store data. Because of the unchangeable size of the array, memory wastage is an issue. Arrays are static and continuous in nature and the benefit of using an array is that its execution is fast.

The syntax of the array is:

Datatype[] arrayname;

Let’s see an example of an array:

using System;

namespace CSharpArrayExample


   public class Names


      static void Main(string[] args)


         string[] names = { "Ali", "Bushra", "Farwa", "Fawad"};

         Console.WriteLine("The element at index 1 is:" +names[1]);

         Console.WriteLine("The elements of array are:" );

         for(int index = 0; index < names.Length; index ++)








In the above-described example:

  • First, add the required namespace libraries named “System” and “SharpArrayExample”.
  • Then, declare a class named “Names” in which we want to store and display names.
  • Next, declare the string array inside the main method in which we have stored the names.
  • After that, first, we print an element at index 1 which shows how we can access the element of an array at a specified index.
  • Then, we print the whole array.

The output is as follows:

List in C#

“List” is present in System.Collection.Generic and is of generic type. “lists” are dynamic in nature and allow one to add, remove, insert, delete, or manipulate the elements. In C# whenever an element is added or removed the list is resized automatically.

The syntax for the list in C# is stated below:

List<type> name= new List<type>();

Let’s see the following example for a better understanding:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Names


  public class Names


    static void Main(string[] args)


      List<string> names = new List<string>();





      Console.WriteLine("The element at index 1 is: "+names[1]);

      Console.WriteLine("The elements of this list are: ");

      for(int index = 0; index < names.Count; index ++)








The working of this program is the same as the array example. However, we just store data using a list.


Differences Between “Array” and “List” in C#

Now, let’s have a quick look at the differences between array and list in C#:

Property Array List
Nature Static Dynamic
Memory Fixed memory, so memory wastage can occur. No memory wastage occurs
Execution Fast Slow
Accessing individual element Fast Slow
Add and remove element Slow Fast

Benefits of Array in C#

The benefits of arrays are:

  • Arrays can be easily optimized.
  • Users can save several elements of a similar data type.
  • Execution is fast.
  • We can access the element at a particular index.
  • It allows searching for elements.
  • Better performance.
  • Less runtime errors.

Benefits of List in C#

The benefits of using Lists are:

  • No fixed memory.
  • Can be scaled after declaration.
  • Adding and removing elements is fast.
  • Allow us to manipulate data.
  • We can access elements at a specified index.

We have discussed the benefits and differences between an “array” and a “list” in C#.


Arrays and lists are used to store data. Arrays have fixed types and memory and allow us to search or access elements. Lists are of a dynamic type and do not have a fixed memory and allow us to insert, delete or manipulate data. In this guide, we have seen the differences and advantages of the “array” and a “list” in C#.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.