
Adding Image Inside Table Cell in HTML

Tables are utilized to organize the data in a readable manner. They have a chart-like layout to display data, such as statistics, images, and more. In HTML, the table is created using the “<table>” element, and the “<img>” tag is used to embed the image in a document. The most significant attributes used in the “<img>” tag is “alt” and “src”.

This write-up will explain a procedure for adding an image inside the table cell in HTML.

How to Add an Image Inside Table Cell in HTML?

The HTML “<img>” tag is utilized to insert an image into a table cell.


Follow the syntax to embed an image inside the table cell:

<td><img src="" alt="" width=""></td>


  • <td>” element indicates the table cell where the image needs to be added.
  • <img>” tag is utilized to specify the image.
  • src” attribute sets the image’s path.
  • alt” signifies the text that will be displayed on the screen in case the image fails to load.
  • width” determines the image’s width.


In the HTML file, create a table by following the provided instructions:

  • <table>” element is utilized to create a table.
  • <tr>” element specifies a row.
  • <th>” adjusts a heading where the “colspan” property signifies how many columns a cell should cover.
  • <td>” creates table cells for data. The “<img>” tags with the required attributes are inserted within this tag to embed the images in a table cell:


<th colspan="3" style="font-size: 28px;">Fruits and Vegetables</th>




<th style="width: 250px;">Picture</th>





<td><img src="/images/apples.jpg" alt="apple" width="200"></td>





<td><img src="/images/carrot.jpg" alt="carrot" width="200"></th>





<td><img src="/images/orang.jpg" alt="orange" width="200"></th>




It can be observed that the HTML table has been successfully created along with embedded images:


Now, we will discuss the CSS properties utilized to set the layout of the table.

Style “table” Element

First, access the “<table>” element by tag name and apply the following properties:

table {

text-align: center;

width: 800px;

border-collapse: collapse;

margin: auto;

font-size: 20px;


The description of the above code is given below:

  • text-align” sets the text alignment.
  • width” determines the table’s width.
  • border-collapse” property defines whether the border is collapsed or not.
  • margin” adds space around the table.
  • font-size” defines the table’s text font size.

Style “th” and “td” Element

th,td {

border: 1px solid purple;


Here, the “border” property adjusts the border around the elements by specifying the values for border width, style, and color.


This post is all about inserting images in the table cell in HTML.


To add an image inside the “<table>” cell, use the “<img>” tag within the HTML “<td>” element. The “<img>” element specifies the “src” attribute to provide the image URL. More specifically, to adjust the image size, add the “height” and “width” attributes within the “<img>” tag. This blog has illustrated the procedure to add an image in the HTML table cell.

About the author

Sharqa Hameed

I am a Linux enthusiast, I love to read Every Linux blog on the internet. I hold masters degree in computer science and am passionate about learning and teaching.