
Adding Padding to Bootstrap Table Cells – CSS

One of the main components of web development is the table. It displays the data in tabular form on a website. If the data in the table cells are too short or too long, it can cause the table to appear uneven. In order to correct this, the “padding” property is utilized for the table cells.

This post will describe:

Prerequisite: Create a Table

To create a table, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • First, use the “<table>” tag and assign it the “table” and “table-striped” classes.
  • Within the “<table>” element, specify the header part by using the “<thead>” element.
  • Inside it, create a row “<tr>” of headings using the “<th>” tags.
  • Then, create the table body section using the “<tbody>” element.
  • Lastly, create rows of data by using the “<tr>” tag and “<td>” tags.


<table class="table table-striped">
   <td>Software Engineering</td>
   <td>Introduction to Java</td>
   <td>Computer Systems</td>


How to Add padding to Bootstrap Table Cells?

One way to add padding within the table’s cells is to use the Bootstrap padding classes. These include “p-*”, “px-*”, “py-*”, and many more.


In the ongoing example, use the “px-5” class to add padding to the left and right of the headings:

  <th class="px-5">Name</th>
  <th class="px-5">Course</th>
  <th class="px-5">Score</th>


How to Add padding to Bootstrap Table Cells Using CSS?

CSS offers the easiest way to add padding within every cell of the table using the “padding” property. Here is an example that demonstrates how to add padding to every table cell:

.table td {
 padding: 30px;


So far, we have discussed how to add padding to table cells. In the coming part, you will learn how to adjust the padding to the table.

How to Add padding to the Table?

In CSS, add the below-stated properties to the “table” class:

.table {
 border: 2px solid darkcyan;
 border-collapse: separate;
 padding: 20px;


  • border” property adds a border to the element.
  • border-collapse” with the value “separate” adds a separate border around the table.
  • padding” adds space around the table’s content.


We have compiled the methods to add padding to Bootstrap table cells.


There are several ways to add padding to a Bootstrap table’s cells. These include using the padding classes, such as “p-*”, “px-*”, and “py-*”. More specifically, the padding can also be added using CSS “padding” property. This article has explained how to add padding space to the Bootstrap table cells.

About the author

Nadia Bano

I am an enthusiastic and forward-looking software engineer with an aim to explore the global software industry. I love to write articles on advanced-level designing, coding, and testing.