
How to Delete Outfits on Roblox?

Roblox is an online global gaming program that not only allows users to play games, but you can also create and publish games according to your choice. Roblox also offers avatar customization, including changing outfits. You can swap the outfits according to your choice, but the limitations may make adding new outfits difficult as you can only keep 50 outfits. To make room for new outfits, you need to delete the older ones. To learn more about deleting the outfits on Roblox, follow this tutorial.

Steps to Delete Outfits in Roblox

If you are playing Roblox daily and unlocking a lot of skins and costumes, and if you have reached the maximum number (50) and now want to add more outfits to your costume collection but are unable to do so, then first, you must delete the previous one. Deleting the outfit on the browser and application is the same and requires only a few steps:

Step 1: Open the official Roblox website and login into your ID:

Step 2: The three lines present on the top left of the screen click on them to select the Avatar option:

Step 3: You will see the Avatar Editor:

Step 4: Click on the Costumes option:

Step 5: Now click on the outfit you want to delete and tap on the gear icon, and select the Delete option:

That’s it, now you can add new outfits.


Roblox provides you with different options to customise your Avatar costumes. There is a limit of adding new costumes, and that is 50. Once you reach the limit, you can’t add new outfits, then deleting the old outfits is the only option left. Deleting the outfits on Roblox is simple and easy; follow the steps mentioned above to delete the outfits.

About the author

Zainab Rehman

I'm an author by profession. My interest in the internet world motivates me to write for Linux Hint and I'm here to share my knowledge with others.