
Getting zsh exec format error – Causes and Fixes

If you have encountered the zsh: exec format error message while using the Zsh shell, you are not alone. This error can be frustrating for the users. In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of why it occurs, and provide simple steps to fix it.

What is the zsh: exec format error?

The zsh: exec format error is an error message that appears when you are trying to execute a command or run a program using the Zsh shell, but the format of the file is incompatible with the shell. In simple terms, Zsh is unable to understand or execute the file because it is not in the format it recognizes.

What are the Causes of the zsh: exec format error?

There are a few common reasons for encountering the zsh: exec format error which are given below:

1: Incorrect File Format

The most common cause is trying to execute a file that has an incompatible format for the Zsh shell. For example, if you are attempting to run a Windows executable file (.exe) or a binary file that is not supported by Zsh, you will encounter this error.

2: Missing or Incompatible Dependencies

Another reason why you might encounter the zsh: exec format error is if the file you are trying to run needs certain other things (called dependencies or libraries) to work, but those things are either not installed or do not work with your computer. In such cases, Zsh may not be able to execute the file properly, resulting in the zsh: exec format error.

3: Architecture Mismatch

If you are working on a system with a different architecture than the file you are trying to execute, such as running a 64-bit executable on a 32-bit system or vice versa, you may encounter the zsh: exec format error.

How to Fix the zsh: exec format error?

The following are some steps to fix the zsh: exec format error and get your commands running smoothly again:

1: Check File Compatibility

Ensure that the file you are trying to execute is compatible with the Zsh shell; verify that it is not a Windows executable or any other file format not supported by Zsh.

2: Install Dependencies

If the file relies on specific dependencies or libraries, make sure they are installed on your system.

3: Match the Architecture

Ensure that the architecture of the file matches your system. If there is a mismatch, try to find a version of the file that matches your system’s architecture.

4: Verify File Integrity

Sometimes, if a file is damaged or not downloaded completely, it can cause the zsh: exec format error. If you think this might be the problem, you can try to fix it by downloading the file again or getting a new copy of it.


Getting the zsh: exec format error can be annoying, but you can solve the error with a few fixes. The error usually occurs when the file format does not work with Zsh, you are missing the essential things the file needs, or the system architecture doesn’t match the file. The issue can be resolved by making sure the file is compatible, installing necessary things, matching the architecture, and checking the file for any damage. Once they are done, you can overcome the zsh: exec format error and enjoy using Zsh without any trouble.

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.