
What is the Difference Between TypeScript and Python?

TypeScript and Python are both popular programming languages that are used for different purposes and have different strengths and use cases. TypeScript is a strongly-typed superset of JavaScript and is well-suited for building large-scale web applications, while Python is a dynamically-typed, general-purpose programming language that is often used for scientific computing, data analysis, and automation.

This article will describe the difference between TypeScript and Python.

What is the Difference Between TypeScript and Python?

TypeScript and Python are two common and popular programming languages. First, we will discuss them separately and then identify their differences. So, the content of this post will be organized as follows:

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language designed and maintained by “Microsoft” in 2012. It is an extended form of JavaScript with additional features/aspects such as static typing, classes, interfaces, and modules. It is also known as the superset of JavaScript which signifies that any valid/appropriate JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. By providing static type checking, TypeScript can catch/identify errors at compile-time instead of runtime, which makes it easier to debug and maintain complex codebases.

TypeScript can improve developer productivity and code quality because developers can catch errors earlier in the development cycle, which can save time and effort in the long run. It helps to maintain large-scale JavaScript applications due to its additional features.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted, programming language that was designed/developed in 1991 by “Guido van Rossum”. It places a strong emphasis on the readability and simplicity of the code, which makes it simple to understand and easy for beginners. Python is frequently utilized in web development, automation, and artificial intelligence.

Python has a large standard library and an extensive ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools, which make it a popular choice for a wide range of applications. It is an interpreted language but its ecosystem of libraries and tools can make it easier and faster to develop applications in certain domains.

TypeScript VS Python

There are some similarities as well as differences between TypeScript and Python. Both TypeScript and Python have large and active communities, and both languages have rich ecosystems of libraries and tools that help to build complex applications.

One of the common differences is that TypeScript is a strongly-typed language which makes the code reliable and easier to maintain. While Python is a dynamically-typed language that makes the code more flexible and easier to write, however, it can also lead to errors that are only caught at runtime.

TypeScript is a compiled language where the developers identify errors at the compile time rather than at the run time while Python is an interpreted language that catches errors at runtime.

The common trade-offs between TypeScript and Python will discuss in the given table:

TypeScript Python
TypeScript was developed in 2012 by Microsoft. Python was developed in 1991.
TypeScript is a strongly-typed language which means developers can catch errors at the compile time. Python is a dynamic type language, meaning the verification of type occurs during runtime.
Its strongly-typed feature makes the code more reliable and easier to maintain. Due to dynamic type checking, the code is more flexible and easier to write, but it can also lead to errors that are only caught at runtime.
It is a compiled type language that compiles/transpile the TypeScript code to JavaScript. It is an Interpreted language.
It can be slower than native code. It can be slower than compiled languages.
The learning mode of TypeScript is moderate. You must have prior knowledge of JavaScript. Python is easy to learn.
The syntax is just like C- language, with classes and interfaces. The syntax is simple and closer to natural language.
Used in web and mobile development. Used in data analysis, automation, and scientific computing.

That was all regarding the differences between TypeScript and Python.


TypeScript and Python are two popular programming languages with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. There are various similarities and distinctions between them. One of the common differences is that TypeScript is a strongly-typed language that compiles the code and identifies errors at the compile time rather than at the run time. While Python is a dynamic type and interpreted language that catches errors at runtime. This article described the difference between TypeScript and Python.

About the author

Farah Batool

I completed my master's degree in computer science. I am an academic researcher and love to learn and write about new technologies. I am passionate about writing and sharing my experience with the world.