
How to Use zsh-git-prompt?

Git is an open-source tool that permits the developer to manage projects and is compatible with cross-platforms like Windows, Linux, and Mac. In the Mac OS, z-shell (zsh) is the default terminal that manages tasks. Most of the senior Developers prefer Mac over Windows because it gives them more flexibility as well as great control over development.

This article will talk about the instructions to use Git on Mac zsh-prompt.

How to Use zsh-git-prompt?

To use the Git z-shell prompt on Mac, install Git, configure, and use it. To do this, walk through the following steps.

Step 1: Install Git

First, open the terminal on Mac and install Git with command as follows:

brew install git


Git has been installed.

Step 2: Check Version

To verify that Git has been installed or not, let’s check the version of Git:

git --version


Git version 2.24.3 is available for use.

Step 3: Configure User Name

After the Git installation, configure it with your username with the help of the provided command:

git config --global "Mateen"


Step 4: Configure Email

For configuring the email, use the below-mentioned command and specify the email:

git config --global <email>


The username and email are configured for Git. Let’s move ahead, initialize the repository, track the file, and check the status.

Step 5: Initialize Repository

To initialize the Git repository, use the “git init” command as provided:

git init


Step 6: Add File

For instance, we have the “file.txt” in our repository. To track this file, use the “git add” utility along with the file name:

git add file.txt


Step 7: Check Status

Now, check the status of the file whether it is tracked or not through the given command:

git status file.txt


The above output shows that the file “file.txt” has been tracked.


To use the git on z-shell (zsh) prompt, open the z-shell terminal and install it using the “brew install git” command. Once the installation is completed, configure the Git with the email and username. After that, initialize the project repository, add the file, and perform other tasks based on the requirements. This tutorial has accomplished the steps to use Git on the zsh-prompt of Mac.

About the author

Abdul Mateen

I hold a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and have a good technical background. As an author, I break down technical concepts in a clear and concise manner. Learning new skills and exploring new technologies is my passion.