
How to Use Vector Stores in LangChain?

Millions of companies or businesses are using huge data to gain useful insights by querying them. LangChain framework enables the user to create vector stores which help manage the data and then use it by writing commands/queries. The user can generate vector stores and create indexes to store unstructured data to then retrieve information from it.

This guide will explain the process of using the vector stores in LangChain.

How to Use Vector Stores in LangChain?

To use the vector stores in LangChain, simply follow this guide with easy steps:

Example 1: Using Vector Stores in LangChain
Start the process of using the vector stores in LangChain by installing the framework using the following code:

pip install langchain

The following screenshot displays the successful installation of the LangChain framework:

After that, install the “tiktoken” tokenizer using this command:

pip install tiktoken

Using Chroma Vector Database
This guide uses the Chroma database vector to create and use the vector stores in LangChain:

pip install chromadb

Now, import the “os” and “getpass” libraries to use OpenAI. It is because of an API key from the OpenAI platform:

import os
import getpass

os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = getpass.getpass('OpenAI API Key:')

Use the following code to upload data on the Google Collaboratory from the local system:

from google.colab import files
upload = files.upload()

Split Data Using Tokenizer
After importing the data, simply split the data using the “CharacterTextSplitter” function inside the Chroma vector database:

from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma

raw_documents = TextLoader('Data.txt').load()
text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=5, chunk_overlap=1)
documents = text_splitter.split_documents(raw_documents)
db = Chroma.from_documents(documents, OpenAIEmbeddings())

The Data.txt is loaded using the “TextLoader” function that is uploaded in the previous step that is used to store in the vector store:

Querying Vector Stores
After splitting the text, use the query to get data from the vector stores:

query = "How is movie"
docs = db.similarity_search(query)

Running the above code displays the result from the data as displayed in the screenshot below:

Example 2: Embedding the Vector Stores
To apply embedding on the vector stores, use the OpenAIEmbedding function. Then, simply use a similarity search on the embedding vector to get the data:

embedding_vector = OpenAIEmbeddings().embed_query(query)
docs = db.similarity_search_by_vector(embedding_vector)

The following screenshot displays the embedding is applied in the vector space to fetch data:

Example 3: Create Index in Vector Stores
To create indexes and a class, use the following command after importing libraries. For instance, the class name “BaseRetriever” is used by passing the “ABC” value:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, List
from langchain.schema import Document
from langchain.callbacks.manager import Callbacks

class BaseRetriever(ABC):
    def get_relevant_documents(
        self, query: str, *, callbacks: Callbacks = None, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> List[Document]:

    async def aget_relevant_documents(
        self, query: str, *, callbacks: Callbacks = None, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> List[Document]:

The following code block imports libraries to retrieve data using question/answering and OpenAI libraries:

from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
from langchain.llms import OpenAI

Load text or document using the TextLoader from LangChain:

from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader
loader = TextLoader('Data.txt', encoding='utf8')

Import library to create indexes in the vector spaces and retrieve data from the indexes:

from langchain.indexes import VectorstoreIndexCreator

Create an index using the following code and load data in the index using the loader variable:

index = VectorstoreIndexCreator().from_loaders([loader])

Query the data using the following code to get data using the index:

query = "what is the name of the boy"

The following screenshot displays the data retrieved according to the query:

That is all about the process of using the vector stores in LangChain.


To use a vector store in LangChain, simply install LangChain and the required frameworks to get started with the process. This guide uses the Chroma vector database and then uploads data into small chunks in the vector store. After that, embedding and index creation are used to get data from the dataset, and to get answers from the query, respectively. This post demonstrated the process of using vector spaces in the LangChain framework.

About the author

Talha Mahmood

As a technical author, I am eager to learn about writing and technology. I have a degree in computer science which gives me a deep understanding of technical concepts and the ability to communicate them to a variety of audiences effectively.