
How to Use the “git rev-list” command in Git?

In Git, listing and traversing the commit object’s history is essential for understanding project evolution, and facilitating code review and collaboration. It provides a comprehensive historical view of a project and assists in effective project management and development.

This tutorial will demonstrate:

What is the “git rev-list” Command in Git?

The “git rev-list” command lists and traverses the commit objects in a repository. It will permit Git users to filter and display commits based on criteria such as commit ranges, branches, tags, dates, authors, and more.

The general syntax of the above-discussed command is provided below:

git rev-list [options] <commit range> [-- ...]

In the above syntax:

  • <options<” is an optional parameter that can be replaced with the desired option/flag.
  • <commit range>” parameter determines the range of commits that users want to set. It can take various forms, such as commit SHA hashes, branch names, tags, or even relative references like HEAD~3 which means 3 commits before the current commit.

Multiple options/flags can be used along with the above-stated command. Some of them are described below:

  • –all”: List all commits in the entire repository.
  • –since”, “–until”: Filter out the commits according to the commit date, and allow users to specify a range.
  • –author”: Filter the commits based on the author’s name or email address.
  • –grep”: Search for commits that match a specified pattern.
  • –max-count”: Limits the number of commits displayed.
  • –merges”, “–no-merges”: Filter the commits to include or exclude merge commits.
  • –first-parent”: Only display the first parent of merge commits.

How to Utilize the “git rev-list” Command in Git?

To use the “git rev-list” command in Git, check out the provided examples:

  • Example 1: List All Commits Between Two Commits
  • Example 2: List Particular Branch Commits
  • Example 3: List Commits Before Current Commit

Example 1: List All Commits Between Two Commits
To list all the commits between two commits, follow the below-stated steps:

  • Go to the Git local directory.
  • View Git log history by executing the “git log –oneline” command.
  • List all available commits between the two commits by executing the “git rev-list” command.

Step 1: Redirect to Git Local Directory
First of all, go toward the Git local directory with the help of the “cd” command:

cd "C:\Users\user\Git\testrepo"

Step 2: View Git Log History
Execute the below-given command to show each commit within a single line:

git log --oneline

From the provided output, we have selected “a6c7bbd” and “9931568” SHA hashes for further use:

Step 3: List Commit Object
To list commit objects, execute the “git rev-list” command along with the selected hashes:

git rev-list a6c7bbd 9931568

The resultant output shows that all the available commits between the mentioned commits have been listed successfully:

Example 2: List Particular Branch Commit Objects
List all commit objects of a particular branch by executing the “git rev-list” along with the branch name:

git rev-list myfeature

It can be noticed that all the commit objects have been listed successfully:

Example 3: List Commits Before Desired Commit
Users can also list the commit objects by providing the commit range. For instance, in the below command, we specified “HEAD~9” which will show all commit objects before the “9th” commit:

git rev-list HEAD~9

As you can see, all the commit objects before the provided HEAD pointer have been listed successfully:

That’s all about the “git rev-list” command in Git.


The “git rev-list” command lists and traverses the commit objects in a repository. To do so, go to the local Git directory and view its log history using the “git log –oneline” command. Then, execute the “git rev-list” command along with the options according to your preferences to list the commit objects. This tutorial explained the “git rev-list” command in Git.

About the author

Hafsa Javed