
How to Use “git ls-remote” Command With Different Options?

While working on Git, developers link their local repository with the GitHub server to perform different operations, such as push, pull, and many more. You can view the details of their remote repository using the “git ls-remote” command. However, multiple options can be utilized with the same command to perform many other operations.

This write-up will explain methods to use the “git ls-remote” command with different options.

How to Use the “git ls-remote” Command With Different Options?

Different options can be used with the “git ls-remote” command, such as:

Method 1: Use “git ls-remote” Command With “–head” Option

First, simply execute the “git ls-remote” command without any option to view its output:

$ git ls-remote

The below output displays the default(origin) remote references, along with the current position of HEAD and commits ids:

Now, utilize the “–heads” option with the same command:

$ git ls-remote --heads

Here, the “–head” option is used to only display the head reference that is the latest commit or branch in the remote repository:

Method 2: Use “git ls-remote” Command With “–tags” Option

If the user wants to view the remote repository’s tags, the “–tags” option can be utilized along with the “git ls-remote” command:

$ git ls-remote --tags

Method 3: Use “git ls-remote” Command With “–refs” Option

The “–refs” option is utilized to show the filtered-out specific references from the “–head” and “–tag” options which match with the pattern:

$ git ls-remote --refs

Method 4: Use “git ls-remote” Command With “–get-url” Option

Utilize the “–get-url” option with the “git ls-remote” command to get the URL of the remote(GitHub) repository:

$ git ls-remote --get-url

The remote repository’s URL can be seen in the below image:

Method 5: Use “git ls-remote” Command With “–symref” Option

To identify the current branch in the remote repository, specify the “symref” option in the same command:

$ git ls-remote --symref

The below screenshot indicates that the “main” is the current branch in the remote repository:

We have explained the various ways to use the “git ls-remote” command with different options.


The “git ls-remote” command is individually used to view the details of the remote URL. On the other hand, to check the remote head pointer, tags, references, and many, various options can be utilized with the “git ls-remote” command, such as the “–head”, “–tags”, “–refs”, “–get-url”, and “symref” options. This write-up explained methods to use the “git ls-remote” command with different options.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.