C Programming

How to Use Expression Statement in C with Examples

Just like in Mathematics, expression in C language is also a combination of operands on which an operation is applied. While working with C language to develop any code multiple times, a user must create expression statements. Because the code is incomplete without adding expression statements.

If you are a beginner in C language and you are confused about the usage of expression statements in C, then this article is your guide.

Expression Statement in C

While working in C language, variables are used to store values, strings, alphabets, and other such data. To assign any value to a variable or you can say to store any value inside a variable, the expression statement is used.

How to Use Expression Statement in C

The expression statement can be of different types that can be used to assign value to a variable or print a value at the output. It can be a numerical expression like addition, subtraction, division, or multiplication.

Example 1:

An example for the simplest expression statement is given below:

int a = 0;

The above expression statement assigns a value to a variable. Keep in mind that while using any expression statement in C it is important to add a semicolon at the end of it otherwise the statement will show an error while running the code.

Example 2:

There are many other expression statements in C where more than one variable/operand are present and an operation is applied to them:

For instance;

a = b + c;

Other operators in C expression statement are:

a = b + c;  //Addition
a = b - c; //Subtraction

a = b / c;  //Division

a = b * c ; //Multiplication

Example 3:

Another common expression statement in C is the expression for increment. If a user wants to increase the variable value by one, they can follow the below-mentioned expression statement, the a++ works the same as a=a+1;

a++; //expression for increment

Example 4:

There is another expression statement that prints the value or message on the output window. This expression statement is assigned as follows:

printf(“Hello Users”);

These were just a few examples, by using these same operators many other expression statements can be created to perform different tasks through programs.

Here is a complete C code that uses the expression statements.


int main()
//expression statements
int a=2;
printf(“The value of a is: %d”,a);




Expression statements in C are the major part of any C code whether to assign the value to a variable perform different mathematical operations or printing the value at the output. The above-mentioned guidelines provide useful examples for C programmers to learn about these expression statements.

About the author

Zahra Zamir

An Electronics graduate who loves to learn and share the knowledge, my passion for my field has helped me grasp complex electronics concepts and now I am here to share them with others.