
How to Update Your Git Version Linux, Mac and Windows

Git is a management tool that allows developers to work and host their programming-related projects to sources like GitHub and GitLab. The latest version of the software keeps the user up-to-date with newly launched features and improvements. Likewise, a tool like Git constantly updates and improves its reliability, and usability for the users.

This write-up will demonstrate:

How to Update Git Version?

To update your Git version, we have provided the instructions for Windows, Mac, and Linux users separately. Check out the below guide.

How to Update Git Version on Windows?

For the Windows user of Git, it is simply the execution of one command to update the Git version. To do this, execute the given command in the Git bash:

git update-git-for-windows

From the above output, it can be seen that our Git version (2.42.0) is already up-to-date.

How to Update Git Version on Mac?

For the Mac users of Git, update the Git version by accomplishing the following steps.

Step 1: Update Latest Packages

Open the Mac terminal and update the latest installation packages of the system:

brew update

The installation packages are already up to date.

Step 2: Upgrade Git

Afterward, update the Git version by using the “brew upgrade git” command:

brew upgrade git

The above output shows that the Git latest version version 2.42.0 has been already installed.

How to Update Git Version on Linux?

For Linux users, see the following steps to update the Git version.

Step 1: Perform System Update

Open the Linux shell and perform the system update using the below-mentioned command:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Install Git

Afterward, run the installation command of Git to install the latest version:

sudo apt install git

Step 3: Check Version

After the installation is done, check the version of Git:

git --version

The Git version 2.34.1 is available in our Linux operating system.


To update the Git version for the Windows user, use the command “git update-git-for-windows”. For Mac users, update the latest installation packages and run the “brew upgrade git” command. For Linux users, update the system packages and run the “sudo apt install git” command to install the latest version of Git. The guide has elaborated on the instructions for updating the Git version on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

About the author

Abdul Mateen

I hold a bachelor's degree in Computer Science and have a good technical background. As an author, I break down technical concepts in a clear and concise manner. Learning new skills and exploring new technologies is my passion.