
How Do I “un-revert” a Reverted Git Commit?

Developers use Git to track the code files and folders for large development projects. To perform this task, users add changes on the local machine and then push them to the connected remote repository. However, sometimes developers make changes, and after committing them, they may want to un-revert the reverted commits. For this purpose, the “$ git reset –hard HEAD^” command can be used.

This post will discuss:

How to Revert a Git Commit?

To “un-revert” the reverted Git commit; first, we will learn how to revert the Git commit. Then, un-revert the reverted Git commit. To do so, follow the below-provided steps.

Step 1: Navigate to Particular Local Repository
First, use the “cd” command to move to the desired local repository:

$ cd "C:\Users\nazma\Git\demo4"

Step 2: View List of Content
Now, show the existing list of content of the local repository through the “ls” command:

$ ls

Step 3: Generate New Test File
Execute the “touch” command to generate a new text file in the current local repository:

$ touch file3.txt

Step 4: Track File
Now, add the newly generated text file in the staging area from the working area by executing the provided command:

$ git add file3.txt

Step 5: Update Local Repository With Added Changes
Next, run the “git commit” command along with the commit message using the “-m” option to update the current working directory with the newly added changes:

$ git commit -m "3rd file added"

Step 6: Display Current Repository Log History
Next, check the reference log history of the current local repository using the “git log .” command:

$ git log .

As you can see, the HEAD is pointing to the most recently added commit:

Step 7: Revert HEAD Pointer
To perform the HEAD reverting operation in the current local repository, execute the below-stated command:

$ git revert HEAD^

You will be asked to add the commit in the opened text commit file with the default text editor:

As you can see, the “HEAD^” pointer is moved to the most previous commit:

Step 8: Verify Reverting Operation
To ensure the Git commit is reverted, execute the “git log .” command:

$ git log .

According to the below-provided output, the HEAD points to the previous commit as a recent commit:

Now, move ahead and understand the procedure to un-revert the Git commit.

How to “un-revert” a Reverted Git Commit?

To un-revert the reverted Git commit, the “$ git reset –hard HEAD^” command can be utilized. To utilize the corresponding command for a specified purpose, follow the below-listed steps.

Step 1: Un-revert a Reverted Commit
Now, execute the “git reset” command with the “–hard” parameter and “HEAD^” position:

$ git reset --hard HEAD^

As you can see, the HEAD is moved to the previously reverted Git commit:

Step 2: Check Git Reference Log History
Lastly, run the “git log .” command to ensure the performed operation:

$ git log .


To un-revert a reverted Git commit, first, move to the particular Git repository. Then, view the list of the current local repository, execute the “$ git reset –hard HEAD^” command and verify the un-reverted Git reverted commit. This post illustrated the procedure to “un-revert” the reverted Git command.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.