Now, the feel of the terminal is changeable dramatically. The color scheme itself plays a big role. Let’s change the terminal experience of Ubuntu terminal!
The Ubuntu terminal
Let’s have a closer look at the Ubuntu terminal.
It’s actually the GNOME Terminal. GNOME is a family of software that comes up with a powerful support and a large community. Ubuntu has finally shifted towards GNOME and the terminal is now from GNOME. As it’s a part of GNOME, it already contains a number of predefined color schemes.
Changing the terminal color scheme
Go to Edit >> Preferences.
Open the “Colors” tab.
At first, uncheck the “Use colors from system theme”.
Now, you can enjoy the built-in color schemes.
Here are all the available color schemes.
Note that you can also change the color of the characters from the “Palette” section.
Enjoy the coloring!