
Top 10 Must-Have Oh My ZSH Plugins for Mac Users

If you are a mac user, you probably use your terminal for all your development tasks. By default, macOS comes with Zsh as the default shell. This means that you get all the useful tools of Zsh.

However, to supercharge your shell usage, you can install Oh My Zsh to get an extensive list of features and utilities.

In this tutorial, we will show you the most useful plugins that you can integrate with your mac terminal for maximum productivity.

Oh My Zsh is a popular open-source framework for managing your Zsh configuration. It comes with a plethora of plugins and themes that can supercharge your terminal experience.


Before we dive into the world of Oh My Zsh plugins, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Installed Oh My Zsh – If you haven’t installed Oh My Zsh yet, you can follow the installation instructions on the official Oh My Zsh GitHub repository.
  • Basic Zsh Configuration – You should have a basic understanding of Zsh and know how to configure it. If not, you can start with a minimal “~/.zshrc” configuration file.

Now that we have the prerequisites covered, let’s get started.

Brew Plugin

Homebrew is the most powerful package manager for macOS that comes with an extensive repo of tools.

Instead of typing all the commands, you can use the brew plugin to add several aliases for the common brew commands.

To use it, add brew to the plugins array of your zshrc file:

plugins=(... brew)

This will give you access to aliases as follows:

Common Aliases Plugin

This plugin creates helpful shortcut aliases for many commonly used commands.

To use it, add the common-aliases to the plugins array in your zshrc file:

plugins=(... common-aliases)

You can view the supported aliases in the following link:


MacOS Plugin

Previously named OSX, this plugin provides a few utilities to make it more enjoyable on macOS.

To start using it, add the macos plugin to your plugins array in “~/.zshrc”:

plugins=(... macos)

Supported Commands:


This plugin provides a few utilities that can help you on the daily use of Xcode and iOS development.

plugins=(... xcode)


Git Plugin

The Git plugin provides powerful shortcuts and information about all your Git repositories right in your prompt. This is useful if you work with multiple codebases and are constantly switching between them

To enable the Git plugin, open your “~/.zshrc” file and add “git” to the list of plugins:


With the Git plugin enabled, you can use a variety of helpful Git-related commands and information.

For example, to show the current branch in the prompt, we can navigate to the repository directory.

$ cd /home/sonoma/benchmark

Once we navigate to the benchmark repository, the prompt will change to reflect the repository name and current branch as follows:

➜ benchmark git:(main)

Use the following command to check the status of the Git repository:

$ git status

Syntax Highlighting Plugin

Syntax highlighting is a must-have feature for any code editing in your terminal. To enable the syntax highlighting in Zsh commands, we can add and enable the syntax highlighting plugin.

This can help you to spot and quickly fix the errors in a command as well as differentiate the different types of files.

The syntax highlighting plugin adds color to your commands, making it easier to spot the errors and distinguish the different types of files.

To install it, clone the Git repository and add “zsh-syntax-highlighting” to the “~/.zshrc” plugins list.

$ git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

Edit the Zsh config file and add the plugin.


Once you save the changes, reload the configuration file or launch a new terminal sessions.

As you type your commands, Zsh will show you whether it is a valid or invalid command by highlighting it in green and red, respectively.

Auto-Suggestions Plugin

The second and most powerful plugin in the Oh My Zsh ecosystem is the auto-suggestions plugin.

As the name implies, this plugins helps to automatically suggest the commands as your type. This is based on your previous command history.

To install the plugin, start by cloning the repository as shown in the following command:

$ git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

Next, edit the Zsh configuration file and the plugin name as follows:

plugins=(# other plugins zsh-autosuggestions)

Once enabled, you can start typing the commands as the plugin will suggest an autofill for the previously executed commands. You can press the tab to accept the suggestions.

Zsh History Plugin

The history plugin adds additional functionality to manage your command history.

To install it, add “history” to the “~/.zshrc” plugins list as follows:


Once enabled, we can use various commands to interact with the command history:

For example, use the following command to view the command history:

$ history

Use the following command to execute a specific command from the history:

$ !42

Use the following command to search for a command in the history:

$ history | grep keyword

Fuzzy Finder Plugin (fzf)

Next on the list is the Fuzzy Finder, also known as fzf plugin. This plugin allows us to search and interactively select the files, process, and more using a fuzzy search engine.

To install it, clone the repository into the Oh My Zsh plugin directory.

$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/unixorn/fzf-zsh-plugin.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/fzf-zsh-plugin

Edit the Zsh configuration file and add the plugin as follows:

plugins=(... fzf-zsh-plugin)

Once enabled, reload the Zsh configuration or launch a new shell.

You can then use the plugin by running the “fzf” command:

$ fzf

Use the following command to search through the command history:

$ history | fzf

You can also perform more complex tasks such as fuzzy search to run the processes and kill them:

$ ps aux | fzf | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9

From there, you can select the command that you wish to kill.

SSH Agent Plugin

The SSH Agent plugin automatically loads the available SSH keys when the shell session is started. This makes it very easy when you need to interact with a wide variety of remote machines.

To enable it, add the “ssh-agent” plugin name to the “~/.zshrc” plugins list.

plugins=(... ssh-agent)

With the SSH Agent plugin enabled, ZSH will automatically load the SSH keys on launch. Therefore, you can use SSH without needing to enter the passphrase every time.

Extract Plugin

The Extract plugin provides a quick way to extract various archive formats such as zip, tar, and gzip.

The plugin defines a function called “extract” which extracts the archive file that you pass in it and it supports a wide variety of archive filetypes.

This way, you don’t have to know what specific command extracts a file; you just do extract <filename> and the function takes care of the rest.

Add it to enable it.

Add the plugin name to the “~/.zshrc” plugins list.

plugins=(... extract)

Colored Man Pages Plugin

Man pages are incredible tools for all of us. However, they are kind of boring with black and white text. To make them more interesting and more readable, enable the Colored Man Pages plugin.

This plugin adds the syntax highlighting to the man pages, making them easier to read and navigate.

Edit the Zsh configuration file and add the plugin name as follows:

plugins=(... colored-man-pages)

The Command-Not-Found Plugin

Are you constanly annoyed by the “command not found” errors and has to manually search for which tools are missing? Worry no more.

The “command-not-found” plugin uses the “command-not-found” package for Zsh to provide the suggested packages to be installed if a command cannot be found.

Enable it by adding it to the list.

plugins=(... command-not-found)

Example Usage:

$ ifconfig

The program ‘ifconfig’ can be found in the following packages:

* net-tools

Try: sudo apt install <selected package>

There you have it!


In this extensive tutorial, we explored a variety of Oh My Zsh plugins that can enhance your terminal productivity.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list