
How to Use Special Characters in PowerShell?

Special characters in PowerShell are utilized to represent the characters that are not supported in the standard character set. These sequences are usually called escape sequences. The escape sequences are supposed to be used within double quotes “”. Moreover, these characters tell the compiler how to treat the next characters in sequence in PowerShell.

This tutorial will explore the usage of special characters in PowerShell.

How to Use Special Characters in PowerShell?

Approach these topics to learn about the special characters:

Special Characters Table Representation

Check out the provided table that represents the PowerShell special characters with their descriptions:

Sequence Name Description
`0 Null The “`0” null character appears as a space in the output.
`a Alert The “`a” alert character warns a user regarding performing an action by sending a beep signal to the system’s speaker.
`b Backspace The “`b” backspace character moves the cursor back one character. However, it does not delete any character.
`e Escape The “`e” escape character specifies a virtual terminal sequence, such as it modifies the color of text and other attributes including bolding text.
`f Form feed The “`f” form feed character is an instruction for printing that skips the current page and proceeds on to the next one.
`n New line The new line “`n” character adds a line break after the character.
`r Carriage return The “`r” carriage return character does not show the text before the designated character. Moreover, it moves the cursor to the start of the current line.
`t Horizontal tab The “`t” horizontal tab character moves to the subsequent tab and continues writing.
`u{x} Unicode escape sequence The “`u{x}” Unicode escape sequence character enables the users to mention the Unicode character by the code point’s hexadecimal equivalent.
`v Vertical tab The “`v” vertical tab character moves to the following tab, pauses, and writes the rest of the output at that point.

Examples of Special Characters

To learn the usage of special characters, let’s check out the following examples.

Example 1: Use the “`t” Horizontal Tab Character to Display the Text in Horizontal Form

Place the “`t” character before every word you want to see horizontally:

Write-Output "Where `tare `tyou `tfrom?"

Example 2: Use the “`n” New Line Character to Display the Text on New Line

In order to display the text on the new line, simply place the “`n” character before it:

Write-Output "How `nare `nyou?"

Example 3: Use the “`r” Carriage Return to Display the Text Placed After it

Using the “`r” character will not display the text before it. However, it will only show the text placed after it:

Write-Output "Good `rMorning"

That’s it! You have learned about the special characters in PowerShell.


Special characters are the set of characters known as escape sequences that are used to represent a standard set of characters and are not supported in PowerShell. Escape characters tell the compiler how to treat the next character in PowerShell. This post has elaborated on the special characters in PowerShell.

About the author

Muhammad Farhan

I am a Computer Science graduate and now a technical writer who loves to provide the easiest solutions to the most difficult problems related to Windows, Linux, and Web designing. My love for Computer Science emerges every day because of its ease in our everyday life.