
How Can I Set Up an Editor to Work With Git on Windows?

Git is a tool that operates on text files. Whenever users want to modify any file, they must open it in an editor to make desired changes. Once the changes have been made to the specific file, save those modifications to the Git repository. The editor is also required while creating a commit message for modifications made to a particular file. More specifically, it allows users to use advanced editing features, including syntax highlighting, code completion, etc.

This blog will explain how to set up the editor to work with Git on Windows.

How to Set Up Git Default Editor on Windows?

To set up the Git default editor, follow the given below steps:

  • First, open Git bash and switch to the local directory.
  • Then, set up the editor using the β€œgit config core.editor <editor-name>” command
  • Finally, verify the default editor through the β€œgit config core.editor” or β€œgit config –list” command.

Step 1: Move to Local Repository

First, switch to the specific local repository:

$ cd "C:\Git"

Step 2: View Default Editor

Then, view the default configuration setting for the editor:

$ git config core.editor

It can be seen that no default editor has been set for Git:

Step 3: Setup Editor

To set up the new editor, configure the β€œcore.editor” setting by using the below-provided command and specify the desired editor name. For instance, we have specified the β€œnotepad” editor to work with Git:

$ git config core.editor notepad

Step 4: Verification

Now, ensure that the desired editor has been set as the default editor by running the given-below command:

$ git config core.editor

As you can see the β€œnotepad” has been set as the default editor:

Step 5: View Configuration Settings

Lastly, list all the configuration properties to view the default editor settings:

$ git config --list

In the below image, the highlighted part shows the default editor value, i.e., β€œnotepad”:

We have explained the easiest way to set up an editor to work with Git on Windows.


To set up an editor to work with Git, first, open the Git bash terminal and navigate to the local repository. Then, execute the β€œgit config core.editor <editor-name>” command to set up the desired editor. After that, verify the default editor using the β€œgit config core.editor” or β€œgit config –list” command. This blog has explained the method of setting up the editor to work with Git on Windows.

About the author

Laiba Younas

I have done bachelors in Computer Science. Being passionate about learning new technologies, I am interested in exploring different programming languages and sharing my experience with the world.