
How to Resolve the class interface or enum expected Error

While programming in Java, there can be certain situations where the developer forgets the count of opening and closing brackets or defines some functionalities outside the class. More specifically, facing limitations in the case of complex codes. In such situations, the “class interface or enum expected” limitation bottlenecks in proceeding with the code functionalities.

This blog will elaborate on resolving Java’s “class interface/enum expected” error.

How to Resolve the “class interface or enum expected” Error in Java?

This is a compile-time error in Java that is faced due to the placed curly braces. Mostly, this limitation is encountered when there is an extra curly brace at the end of the program/code or a function defined outside the class.

Scenario 1: “class interface or enum expected” Error Encounters Due to Extra Curly Bracket

In this scenario, the “class interface or enum expected” limitation can be faced due to an additional curly bracket left mistakenly:

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("This is Linuxhint!");


In the above code snippet, print the stated message in the “main”, leaving an extra curly bracket at the end. This will result in logging the discussed limitation.


In the above output, note that the “Unresolved compilation problem” error is identical to the “class interface or enum expected” limitation since it is also displayed upon the presence of an extra bracket or syntax error.


This limitation can be resolved by simply omitting the left extra curly bracket at the end. So, the error vanishes, thereby streamlining the code as follows:

Scenario 2: “class interface or enum expected” Error Encounters Due to Declaration of Function Outside the Class

In this particular scenario, the discussed issue can be faced due to a function defined outside the class:

public class enumerror {

public static void main(String[] args) {



public static void display() {

System.out.println("Programming with Java!");


In the above code block, invoke the function named “display()” in the main but define it outside the closing bracket of the “class”. This will also log the same error.


In this outcome, it can be analyzed that the corresponding error is logged since the function is defined outside the “class” scope.


In this case, the discussed error can be resolved by simply accumulating the function inside the class as indicated below:

That was all about fixing the specified error.


The “class interface or enum expected” error can be faced due to an extra curly bracket or the function defined outside the class. This limitation can be resolved by simply placing the appropriate brackets in the code or defining the function within the class scope. This blog elaborated on the approaches to coping with the discussed limitation.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.