
How to Remove Git Remote?

Git is a well-known version control software for DevOps and is widely utilized for managing projects and their source code. Programmers can manage their projects in two types of repositories: Remote repositories and Local repositories. More specifically, Remote repositories are accessible remotely, while local repositories exist on your local machine.

This blog will illustrate how to remove the Git repository.

How to Remove Git Remote?

A remote repository is often known as a remote in Git. The developer attaches the remote repository clone to the local repository to access the remote from the local machine.

Check out the below-provided steps to remove the Git Remote.

Step 1: Open Git Bash Terminal
First, open the Git terminal from the Start menu:

Step 2: Navigate to Git Local Repository
Next, move to the local repository by utilizing the β€œcd” command:

$ cd "C:\Git"

Step 3: Initialize Git Repository
Initialize the Git working repository using the β€œgit init” command:

$ git init

Step 4: Check Remote is Attached
Check out if any remote repository is attached to Git local repository or not using the provided command:

$ git remote -v

Here, you can see the β€œOrigin” remote is currently attached to Git local repository:

Step 5: Remove Remote
To remove the remote repository, utilize the β€œgit remote remove” command and also provide the remote name which you want to remove:

$ git remote remove origin

Again, verify whether the remote repository is removed or not using the β€œgit remote -v” command:

$ git remote -v

The below output shows that we have successfully removed the Git remote:

We have illustrated how to remove a Git remote.


To remove the Git remote, first, open the Git bash terminal. Move to the Git local repository and execute the β€œ$ git remote -v” command to check if any remote repository is attached or not. Next, execute the β€œ$ git remote remove <Repository Name>” command to remove the remote from the Git local repository. This post has demonstrated how to remove the Git remote.

About the author

Rafia Zafar

I am graduated in computer science. I am a junior technical author here and passionate about Programming and learning new technologies. I have worked in JAVA, HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and PHP.