
What is the Redefinition of Class in C++ and How to Fix it?

When a programmer tries to define a class with the same name as one that already exists, it is known as “redefinition of class”. The program may behave unexpectedly as a result of this since it won’t be clear which class is being called, which might cause compilation issues.

Causes of Redefinition of Classes Errors

To make sure that the software runs without a glitch, it is crucial to comprehend what triggers class redefinitions and how to resolve them.

1: Same Class Defined More than Once

When a class is declared more than once in a source file or header file, it must be redefined. Several definitions of the same class result from this, making it difficult for the compiler to pick which definition to use. When attempting to link object files, this may lead to compilation issues like “duplicate symbol” or linker errors.

2: Redefine the Same Class with Similar Commands and Values

Because programmers typically redefine the same class with similar commands and values, the redefining of class C++ error occurs. As a result, the system cannot distinguish between the two scripts, leading to the redefining of variables in numerous lines of C++ code.

3: Building a Class Across Numerous Files

Also, developers may run into class redefinition issues while building a class across numerous files, which might result in a few blunders from repeated activities. For instance, since the system recognizes its modifications, the C++ prompt for the redefinition constructor must contain distinctive values and tags.

Let’s dig into the redefinition of class errors in a C++ program, which is shown below:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Class1 {
    int Data;
    void Func() {
        cout << "Hello from Func!" << endl;

class Class1 {
    int Data;
    void Func() {
        cout << "Hello again from Func!" << endl;

int main() {
    Class1 obj;
    obj.Data = 50;
    return 0;

In the above code, we get the error ‘redefinition of class Class1’. According to this error message, we are attempting to redefine the class Class1 using the same name, the same collection of data members, and the same set of member functions.


To overcome the redefinition of class in C++, you must remove a class with the same name or give it another name.

Corrected Code

Here, we have removed the class with the same name to get the desired output at the console.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Class1 {
    int Data;
    void Func() {
        cout << "Hello from Func!" << endl;

int main() {
    Class1 obj;
    obj.Data = 50;
    return 0;

The class Class1 is defined by the code, which also includes the member functions Func and Data (). The program creates an object of type Class1, sets Data’s value, and invokes the Func() method.


How to Fix ‘Redefinition of Class’ Error

To fix the redefinition of class in C++, some approaches can be used.

1: Identify Where the Class Is Being Redefined

Finding the areas where the class is being redefined is the first step. To do this, search for the class name in the program code. The programmer can choose how to address the issue once the problem’s location has been determined. Renaming the class with a distinctive suffix or prefix is one approach to the problem. Another option is to combine the two classes into a single class that has a single name and incorporates every feature of the two original classes.

2: Make Changes to Program Code

The programmer must alter the program code in order to apply the remedy. This may entail renaming the class, updating any program references to the class, and replacing any code that was unique to the original class. The software should be tested once the modifications have been made to make sure it functions properly.

3: Use Header Guards

Using header guards is another preferred method for preventing header files from being included more than once in a single file or application. Header guards are preprocessor directives that guarantee the header file is only included once, no matter how frequently it appears in the source code.

4: Use Extern Keyword

Another strategy is to declare the class in a header file and define it in a single source file using the extern keyword. As a result, redefining errors is avoided because there is only one definition of the class.

5: Using Namespaces

Using namespaces is another solution to the redefining of class error in C++. The use of namespaces enables programmers to unify similar classes and methods under a single name. By doing so, name conflicts are reduced, and the right class is called. The programmer can prevent name conflicts by declaring each class in a unique namespace.


The redefinition of a class in C++ programming is a frequent mistake that may be easily avoided by identifying the class, making changes to the code, utilizing header guards, the extern keyword, and namespaces. These approaches aid in guaranteeing that the class has a single definition, avoiding compilation and linking issues.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.