Apache Spark

PySpark Data Preprocessing

Data Preprocessing is one of the techniques where we get rid of missing values. In Python, the missing value refers to none/null/NaN values. While working on any Machine Learning/Data Science projects, the Data Preprocessing is the primary and necessary stage which helps to remove/ replace these null values with any other relevant data. In this guide, we will see how to remove/drop the null values using the drop.na() function available in PySpark. Next, we will see how to replace these null values in specific columns with relevant data types using the fill() function.


Consider the CSV file named “houses.csv” with 6 columns and 20 records. We can see that some cells are empty in this CSV.

Create a PySpark DataFrame from this CSV.

from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_extract

import pyspark

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession,Row

linuxhint_spark_app = SparkSession.builder.appName('Linux Hint - data processing').getOrCreate()

# Load the houses.csv file which holds 20 records.

house_details = linuxhint_spark_app.read.csv('houses.csv',header=True)

# Actual DataFrame



We can see that the empty cells are considered as null in the PySpark DataFrame. In this entire tutorial, we remove the null rows or fill the null rows with some other values/elements.

First, we need to convert the “Price” column to Integer. Using the withColumn() function, cast this column to Integer with the “int” keyword.


Use the following snippet to count the null values in all columns:

from pyspark.sql.functions import *

# Return total null values from all the columns

house_details.select([count(when(col(iterator).isNull(), iterator)).alias(iterator) for iterator in house_details.columns]).show()



We can directly use this function which removes the null values based on particular column/s or all records in the PySpark DataFrame.


  1. It can be possible to include some records that have null value/s using the “thresh” parameter. It takes a threshold value (Integer) such that the specified records that have nulls can be included. Beyond this, all the records with null values are removed from the PySpark DataFrame.
  2. If you want to drop the rows that have at least one null, you need to specify “any” to the “how” parameter. If you want to drop the rows that have all null values, you need to specify “all”.
  3. The subset takes a list of column/s such that the null values are removed based on these column/s.

Example 1: No Parameter

In this example, we won’t pass any parameter to the drop() function. All the null records are removed from the DataFrame.

# No parameter



There are ten records which are not null.

Example 2: Thresh Parameter

In this example, we pass the thresh parameter and drop the null values that are present in the records which are greater than 3.

# With thresh parameter



There are 12 records that have nulls which are less than 4.

Example 3: How Parameter

Drop the rows that have at least one null with the “how=’any’” parameter.

# Drop the rows having at least one null with how='any'



Example 4: Subset Parameter with Single Column

Drop the rows based on the “Duration” column. If the null value exists in the “Duration” column, that row will be removed.

# Drop the rows based on 'Duration' column



Example 5: Subset Parameter with Multiple Columns

Drop the rows based on the “Type”, “Stone”, and “Earthquack_region” columns.

# Drop the rows based on 'Type','Stone' and 'Earthquack_region' columns.




Until now, we have seen how to remove the null values. If you want to maintain the data without removal, you can use the fill() method to replace the null values with other values.



It takes two parameters. The first parameter replaces the null values and the second parameter takes the column names where the values/elements are replaced in this column only.

Example 1: Replace with Mean()

In this example, we get the average value from the “Price” column from the existing values using the mean() function. Then, we replace all the null values in the “Price” column with the mean_Price.

from pyspark.sql.functions import mean,sum,min,max

# Compute the mean of the Price column.


print("Mean: ",mean_Price[0][0])

# Replace all the null values in the 'Price' column with the mean_Price



The mean of the non-null records is 44992.666. So, all the null values (Total – 8) in the “Price” column are replaced with 44992.

Example 2: Replace with Sum()

In this example, we get the total value from the “Price” column from the existing values using the sum() function. Then, we replace all the null values in the “Price” column with the total_Price.

from pyspark.sql.functions import mean,sum,min,max

# Compute the total sum of the Price column.


print("Sum: ",total_Price[0][0])

# Replace all the null values in the 'Price' column with the total_Price



The sum of non-null records is 539912. So, all the null values (Total – 8) in the “Price” column are replaced with 539912.

Example 3: Replace with Min()

Let’s replace all the null values in the “Earthquack_region” column with the minimum element. Here, the min() function is used which returns the minimum element from [“Yes” , “No”].

from pyspark.sql.functions import mean,sum,min,max

# Get the minimum element from the 'Earthquack_region' column.


print("Minimum: ",minimum[0][0])

# Replace all the null values in the 'Earthquack_region' column with the minimum element



“No” is the minimum (ASCII value). All the null values are replaced with “No”.

Example 4: Replace with Max()

Replace all the null values in the “Stone” column with the maximum element.

from pyspark.sql.functions import mean,sum,min,max

# Get the maximum element from the 'Stone' column.


print("Maximum: ",maximum[0][0])

# Replace all the null values in the 'Stone' column with the maximum element



The “marble” is the minimum (ASCII value) among [“other”, “stone”, and “rock stone”]. All the null values are replaced with “marble”.

Example 5: Replace with Other Element

Replace all the null values in the “Duration” column with “10 Years”.

from pyspark.sql.functions import mean,sum,min,max

# Replace all the null values in the 'Duration' column with '10 Years'.

house_details.na.fill('10 Years',subset=['Duration']).show()


“10 Years” replaces the null values in the “Duration” column.


Data Preprocessing handles the removal of null values as well as the replacement of null values. The dropna() function removes the null values based on particular column/s or all records in the PySpark DataFrame. We explained this function by considering all the parameters. We can use the fill() function to replace the null values with some other elements. In this scenario, five different examples were discussed by utilizing the statistical functions – mean(), sum(), min() and max().

About the author

Gottumukkala Sravan Kumar

B tech-hon's in Information Technology; Known programming languages - Python, R , PHP MySQL; Published 500+ articles on computer science domain