Apache Spark

PySpark Create_Map()

The create_map() function in PySpark converts the DataFrame columns into a map. We can call this map a Dictionary as it holds the first column as “Key” and the second column as “Value”. If you want to transform your PySpark DataFrame into a map, you can use this function. In this guide, we will see how to create a map using the create_map() function and display the DataFrame using the show() and collect() functions. Also, we will discuss one example that stores this generated map values in a new column.


The create_map() is available in the “pyspark.sql.functions” module. It is imported from this module. Basically, the create_map() function creates the Key:Value pair by taking two DataFrame columns as parameters. The first column values are converted as keys and the second column values are converted as values in the map.



We use the select() method to display the map column.

Example 1:

Create a PySpark DataFrame named “employee_df” with 5 rows and 4 columns. Here, the columns are [Employee_name, Employee_branch, state, country].

import pyspark

from pyspark.sql.functions import create_map

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession,Row

linuxhint_spark_app = SparkSession.builder.appName('Linux Hint').getOrCreate()

# create the dataframe with 5 employee details

employee_df = linuxhint_spark_app.createDataFrame([Row(Employee_name='Sravan Kumar',Employee_branch='IT',state='Florida',country='USA'),


Row(Employee_name='jaya sree',Employee_branch='Management',state='Dallas',country='USA'),

Row(Employee_name='Seema Rani',Employee_branch='IT',state='Italy',country='UK'),

Row(Employee_name='Deepika singh',Employee_branch='Management',state='Maharashtra',country='India')])

# Actual DataFrame


# Display the Schema


# Map Employee_name and Employee_branch

mapped_data_employee = employee_df.select(create_map(employee_df.Employee_name,employee_df.Employee_branch)

# Display the mapped DataFrame


# Display the Schema



Here, we are mapping the Employee_name and Employee_branch columns. The Employee_name acts as key and the Employee_branch acts as value in the created map. The mapped column name is “EMPLOYEE-DEPT”. the data type of this column is a map.

Example 2:

Let’s create a map from the state and country columns and display the map using the collect() function.

import pyspark

from pyspark.sql.functions import create_map

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession,Row

linuxhint_spark_app = SparkSession.builder.appName('Linux Hint').getOrCreate()

# create the dataframe with 5 employee details

employee_df = linuxhint_spark_app.createDataFrame([Row(Employee_name='Sravan Kumar',Employee_branch='IT',state='Florida',country='USA'),


Row(Employee_name='jaya sree',Employee_branch='Management',state='Dallas',country='USA'),

Row(Employee_name='Seema Rani',Employee_branch='IT',state='Italy',country='UK'),

Row(Employee_name='Deepika singh',Employee_branch='Management',state='Maharashtra',country='India')])

# Actual DataFrame


# Map state and country

mapped_data_employee = employee_df.select(create_map(employee_df.state,employee_df.country).alias("EMPLOYEE-ADDRESS"))

# Display the mapped DataFrame



Example 3:

Until now, we just displayed the map column. Now, we add this map column to the existing DataFrame. To achieve this, pass the create_map() function inside the withColumn() function. Basically, this function is used to create new column/s in the existing DataFrame. Let’s add the map columns – “EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT” (created from the Employee_name and Employee_branch columns) and “EMPLOYEE ADDRESS” (created from the state and country columns).

from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_extract

import pyspark

from pyspark.sql.functions import create_map

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession,Row

linuxhint_spark_app = SparkSession.builder.appName('Linux Hint').getOrCreate()

# create the dataframe with 5 employee details

employee_df = linuxhint_spark_app.createDataFrame([Row(Employee_name='Sravan Kumar',Employee_branch='IT',state='Florida',country='USA'),


Row(Employee_name='jaya sree',Employee_branch='Management',state='Dallas',country='USA'),

Row(Employee_name='Seema Rani',Employee_branch='IT',state='Italy',country='UK'),

Row(Employee_name='Deepika singh',Employee_branch='Management',state='Maharashtra',country='India')])

# Map Employee_name,Employee_branch as one column and state,country as another column

employee_df=employee_df.withColumn("EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT",create_map(employee_df.Employee_name,employee_df.Employee_branch)).withColumn
("EMPLOYEE ADDRESS",create_map(employee_df.state,employee_df.country))

# Display the mapped DataFrame



Example 4:

Let’s drop the existing columns and include only the mapped columns. To do this, we can use the drop() funcion which removes the specified columns from the [Employee_name, Employee_branch, state, country] DataFrame.

from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_extract

import pyspark

from pyspark.sql.functions import create_map

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession,Row

linuxhint_spark_app = SparkSession.builder.appName('Linux Hint').getOrCreate()

# create the dataframe with 5 employee details

employee_df = linuxhint_spark_app.createDataFrame([Row(Employee_name='Sravan Kumar',Employee_branch='IT',state='Florida',country='USA'),


Row(Employee_name='jaya sree',Employee_branch='Management',state='Dallas',country='USA'),

Row(Employee_name='Seema Rani',Employee_branch='IT',state='Italy',country='UK'),

Row(Employee_name='Deepika singh',Employee_branch='Management',state='Maharashtra',country='India')])

# Map Employee_name,Employee_branch as one column and state,country as another column and drop the actual columns.

employee_df=employee_df.withColumn("EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT",create_map(employee_df.Employee_name,employee_df.Employee_branch)).withColumn
("EMPLOYEE ADDRESS",create_map(employee_df.state,employee_df.country)).drop('Employee_name',

# Display the mapped DataFrame




If you want to transform your PySpark DataFrame into a map, you can use this function. The create_map() function in PySpark converts the DataFrame columns into a map. In this guide, we learned the different examples on how to convert two columns into a map. You can utilize the withColumn() function to store the mapped column into the existing DataFrame. The collect() function displays the map in the Key:Value format whereas the show() function displays the Key -> Value format.

About the author

Gottumukkala Sravan Kumar

B tech-hon's in Information Technology; Known programming languages - Python, R , PHP MySQL; Published 500+ articles on computer science domain