
A Beginners Guide to PowerShell New-Item

The cmdlet “New-Item” creates a new item in PowerShell whether it is a file or a folder. It is one of the essential cmdlets in PowerShell. Besides creating a new item, it also sets its value, such as text. It can create multiple files or folders at once. With the aid of this cmdlet, the existing files can also be overwritten.

This blog will observe the demonstration of the “New-Item” cmdlet.

How to Use the “New-Item” Command in PowerShell?

As stated earlier, the “New-Item” cmdlet gives birth to new items, such as files or folders. The examples are provided below to explain the functions of the stated cmdlet.

Example 1: Use the “New-Item” Cmdlet to Create a New Directory

This example will create a directory in PowerShell using the “New-Item” cmdlet:

New-Item "C:" -Name "Doc Files" -ItemType "directory"

According to the above code:

  • First, add the “New-Item” cmdlet followed by the directory address to create a new directory inside it.
  • Then, add the “-Name” parameter to name the directory new directory to be created.
  • Lastly, create a “-ItemType” parameter and define “directory” to it:

Example 2: Use the “New-Item” to Create a File in the Desired Directory

This example will demonstrate to create a new file inside the respective folder path provided by the user:

New-Item -ItemType "file" -Path "C:\Doc\File_1.txt"

According to the above code:

  • First, add the “New-Item” cmdlet, specify the “-ItemType” parameter and assign the “file” value.
  • After that, define the “-Path” parameter and assign the file address to create a file.
  • The file name is also added at the end of the file path along with the file extension:

Example 3: Use the “New-Item” Cmdlet Along With the “-Force” Parameter to Overwrite an Existing File

The following example will overwrite an existing file with the aid of the “-Force” parameter:

New-Item -ItemType "file" -Path "C:\Doc\File_1.txt" -Force

In the above-stated code, just add the “-Force” parameter to overwrite the existing file.

Example 4: Use the “New-Item” Cmdlet to Create a File in the Present Directory

This following demonstration will generate a file in the current working directory:

New-Item -Name "File.txt" -ItemType "file" -Value "Test file"

According to the above code:

  • After adding the “New-Item” cmdlet, specify the “-Name” parameter and define the file name within double quotes.
  • Then, add the “-ItemType” parameter.
  • Add the “-Value” parameter and specify the value within double quotes to save inside the file:

Example 5: Use the “New-Item” Cmdlet to Create a Directory in the Desired Path

Now, generate a new folder inside the desired directory:

New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "C:\Doc\New Folder"

In the above-stated code, the “-Path” parameter is added to add the directory path where the user wants to create a new folder inside it:

Example 6: Use the “New-Item” Cmdlet to Create Multiple Files

This example will create multiple files at once using the “New-Item” cmdlet. To do so, simply add the path of multiple files to the “-Path” parameter separated by a comma:

New-Item -ItemType "file" -Path "C:\Doc\New.txt", "C:\Doc\File.txt"

That was all about using the New-Item cmdlet in PowerShell.


The “New-Item” cmdlet in PowerShell helps create new files and folders. Moreover, with the aid of several parameters, it can create multiple files or folders at once. This write-up has elaborated on several demonstrations of the “New-Item” cmdlet in PowerShell.

About the author

Muhammad Farhan

I am a Computer Science graduate and now a technical writer who loves to provide the easiest solutions to the most difficult problems related to Windows, Linux, and Web designing. My love for Computer Science emerges every day because of its ease in our everyday life.