
How to Use the Import-Alias (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) Cmdlet in PowerShell?

To import aliases from a specified file in PowerShell, the “Import-Alias” cmdlet is used. The “Import-Alias” cmdlet imports aliases from a specified file. It specifically imports the aliases that were exported into a text file using the “Export-Alias” cmdlet. Moreover, the “-Scope” parameter can be used to specify the scope into which the scope alias is imported. The standard alias for the “Import-Alias” cmdlet is the “ipal”.

This guide will provide a procedure to import aliases using PowerShell’s “Import-Alias” cmdlet.

How to Use the Import-Alias (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) Cmdlet in PowerShell?

To import alias information in PowerShell, first, use the “Import-Alias” cmdlet and assign it the file address which contains the alias information.

To learn further usage of the “Import-Alias” cmdlet, overview the given examples.

Example 1: Use the “Import-Alias” Cmdlet to Import Aliases via Text File

In order to import alias information from a text file, first, use the “Import-Alias” cmdlet. Then, provide the text file path which contains alias information:

Import-Alias C:\Docs\NewAlias.txt

Example 2: Utilize the Cmdlet “Import-Alias” to Import ReadOnly or Already Defined Aliases

Use the “-Force” parameter to import pre-defined and “ReadOnly” aliases along with the “Import-Alias” cmdlet in PowerShell:

Import-Alias C:\Docs\NewAlias.txt -Force

Example 3: Use the “Import-Alias” Cmdlet to Check What Will Happen If You Import an Alias

Use the “-WhatIf” parameter along with the “Import-Alias” to preview what will happen if you import an alias in PowerShell:

Import-Alias C:\Docs\NewAlias.txt -WhatIf

That’s it! We have demonstrated the usage of the “Import-Alias” with the help of practical examples.


The “Import-Alias” cmdlet is used to import the aliases from a specified file in PowerShell. Its standard alias is “ipal”. It gets the aliases that were exported in a text using the “Export-Alias” cmdlet. This guide explained the usage of PowerShell’s “Import-Alias” cmdlet.

About the author

Muhammad Farhan

I am a Computer Science graduate and now a technical writer who loves to provide the easiest solutions to the most difficult problems related to Windows, Linux, and Web designing. My love for Computer Science emerges every day because of its ease in our everyday life.