
How to Use the Export-Alias (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) Cmdlet in PowerShell?

In PowerShell, to export or save the aliases in a file the “Export-Alias” cmdlet is used. It is used to export the currently defined list of aliases into a file. In case, the output file does not exist, it will create it. The “Export-Alias” cmdlet is pretty useful when the user wants to save the current session’s aliases for later use. The standard alias for the “Export-Alias” cmdlet is the “epal”.

This guide will provide a procedure to export aliases using the “Export-Alias” cmdlet.

How to Use the Export-Alias (Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility) Cmdlet in PowerShell?

To export alias information into a file, first, use the cmdlet “Export-Alias”. Then, add the “-Path” parameter and specify the target file path.

To know further about the “Export-Alias” cmdlet, simply, head over to the examples section.

Example 1: Use the “Export-Alias” Cmdlet to Export Current Session’s Alias Information

To export alias information of the current session, first, use the “Export-Alias” cmdlet. Then, add the “-Path” and assign it the target file path where you want to export the alias information:

Export-Alias -Path "C:\Docs\Alias.csv"

Let’s verify whether the alias information has been exported or not by executing the given command:

Get-Content -Path "C:\Docs\Alias.csv"

Example 2: Use the “Export-Alias” Cmdlet to Export Alias Information Unless the Export File Already Exists

Using the “-NoClobber” parameter along with the “Export-Alias” and the file path will not export the alias information if the file already exists in the provided directory:

Export-Alias -Path "C:\Docs\Alias.csv" -NoClobber

Example 3: Use the “Export-Alias” Cmdlet to Append Aliases to a Specified File

Use the “-Append” parameter along with the “Export-Alias” cmdlet to append an existing file. Moreover, use the “-Force” parameter to override the already existing data in a particular file:

Export-Alias -Path "C:\Docs\Alias.csv" -Append -Force

Example 4: Use the “Export-Alias” Cmdlet to Export Alias Information to a Text File Formatted as a series of Set-Alias Commands as Script

To export the alias information as a script, simply, use the “-as” parameter and assign it a “Script” value:

Export-Alias -Path "C:\Docs\Alias.txt" -as Script

That’s it! You have learned the usage of the “Export-Alias” cmdlet in PowerShell.


In PowerShell, the cmdlet “Export-Alias” exports the aliases of the current session into a file. Its standard alias is the “epal”. It is useful when a user wants to save the aliases for later use. This guide provided in-depth details about the “Export-Alias” cmdlet in PowerShell.

About the author

Muhammad Farhan

I am a Computer Science graduate and now a technical writer who loves to provide the easiest solutions to the most difficult problems related to Windows, Linux, and Web designing. My love for Computer Science emerges every day because of its ease in our everyday life.