The first argument of this function contains the format string that will be applied to the output. The second argument contains the value to which the formatting will be applied. This function returns the formatted string as the output on success but does not return false on failure for PHP version 8.
Many types of specifiers are used in the format string of this function. The list of mostly used specifiers has mentioned below.
Specifier | Purpose |
c | It is used to print the character of an ASCII code. |
d | It is used to print integer numbers. |
f | It is used to print floating-point numbers. |
s | It is used to print string values. |
e | It is used to print numbers in exponential format. |
b | It is used to print binary numbers. |
o | It is used to print octal numbers. |
u | It is used to print unsigned decimal numbers. |
x | It is used to print hexadecimal numbers. |
X | It is used to print hexadecimal numbers using capital letter. |
The scripts used in the examples of this tutorial are written based on the PHP 8 version. Do the following task before executing the examples of this script.
- Install apache2 and PHP 8.
- Set execute permission for all files and folders under /var/www/html folder where all PHP files will be stored.
Different Uses of Sprint() Function
The uses of sprint() function in PHP is shown in this part of the tutorial by using different examples.
Example-1: Use of different types of specifier in the format string
Create a PHP file with the following script to know the use of four different types of specifiers for formatting data using sprint() function. Four types of data have assigned in four variables in the script. Next, the values of these variables have printed by using sprint() function.
//Set an integer value
$integer = 300;
//Set a floating-point number
$float = 45.895;
//Set a string value
$string = 'LinuxHint';
//Set an ASCII value
$ascii = 65;
//Print the integer value
echo"The integer value is <b>".sprintf("%d",$integer)."</b><br/>";
//Print the fractional value
echo"The fractional value is <b>".sprintf("%0.2f",$float)."</b><br/>";
//Print the string value
echo"The string value is <b>".sprintf("%s",$string)."</b><br/>";
//Print the character of the ASCII code
echo"The character of ascii code <b>$ascii</b> is <b>".sprintf("%c",$ascii)."</b>";
The following output will appear after executing the above script. Here, the filename is sprintf1.php that is stored inside /var/www/html/code folder.
Example-2: Use of scientific notation
Create a PHP file with the following script to know the way of generating formatted output with the scientific notation by using the sprint() function. In the example, a large number is assigned to a variable that will be printed in exponential format.
//Set a large numeric value
$large_num = 56565656565656;
Format the large number with scientific notation
and store into a variable
$expo = sprintf("%.4e", $large_num);
//Print the formatted value
echo "The formatted value of $large_num with exponential is $expo";
The following output will appear after executing the above script. Here, the filename is sprintf2.php that is stored inside /var/www/html/code folder.
Example-3: Using string specifier in different ways
Create a PHP file with the following script to know the use of different string specifiers for generating different types of formatted output by using the sprint() function. In the example, a string value has been assigned to a variable. The first sprintf() function will print the main string. The spaces has used for left padding in the second sprinf() function without <pre> tag.
The spaces has used for left padding in the third sprinf() function with <pre> tag. The spaces has used for right padding in the fourth sprinf() function with <pre> tag. The zero has been used for left padding in the fifth sprinf() function. The ‘#’ character has been used for left padding in the sixth sprinf() function.
//Assign a text value
$text = 'Welcome to LinuxHint';
//Print the original text value
echo sprintf("%s",$text)."<br/>";
//Print the right-justified text value by padding with space
echo sprintf("%25s",$text)."<br/>";
//Print the right-justified text value with <pre> tag by padding with space
echo "<pre>". sprintf("%25s",$text)."</pre><br/>";
//Print the left-justified text value with <pre> tag and another text by padding with space
echo "<pre>". sprintf("%-25s",$text)."dummy text</pre><br/>";
//Print the text value by right-justifing with zero padding
echo sprintf("%025s",$text)."<br/>";
//Print the text value by right-justifing with the '#' padding
echo sprintf("%'#30s",$text)."<br/>";
The following output will appear after executing the above script. Here, the filename is sprintf3.php that is stored inside /var/www/html/code folder. According to the output, space padding does not work without <pre> tag.
Example-4: Use of the positional specifier
Create a PHP file with the following script to know the way of using the sprint() function for the positional specifier. Here, two variables have initialized with two values. 1$ and 2$ have been used as the positional specifier in the sprintf() function.
//Set a string value
$product = "HP Laptop";
//Set the number value
$price = 1040;
//Ptint the formatted values with position specifier
echo sprintf('<br/><p>The price of this <b>%2$s</b> is <b>%1$d</b> dollars.</p>', $price, $product);
The following output will appear after executing the above script. Here, the filename is <strong>sprintf4.php</strong> that is stored inside <strong>/var/www/html/code</strong> folder.
<a href="http://localhost/code/sprintf4.php">http://localhost/code/sprintf4.php</a>
<img class="wp-image-132476" src="" />
<h2>Example-5: Format number with zero padding</h2>
Create a PHP file with the following script to know the way of formatting numbers with zero padding by using the <strong>sprint()</strong> function. Here, an integer number of three digits has been assigned into a variable. The original number and the number with zero padding will be printed after executing the code.
[cc lang="php" width="100%" height="100%" escaped="true" theme="blackboard" nowrap="0"]
//Assign a numeric value
$num = 785;
//Print the original number
echo "<br/>The original number value is <b>".sprintf("%d", $num)."</b><br/>";
//Print the number with zero padding
echo "The number value with zero padding is <b>".sprintf("%05d", $num)."</b><br/>";
The following output will appear after executing the above script. Here, the filename is sprintf5.php that is stored inside /var/www/html/code folder.
The sprint() function is mainly used in PHP to store the formatted content of data into a variable. The uses of the most commonly used specifiers of this function have been explained in this tutorial to help the new PHP users to know the use of this function properly.