
fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository

When developers add changes in the local repository and push them to the GitHub hosting service without any tracking remote URL, they often face the “fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository” error. To resolve this issue, it is required to add the tracking remote URL through the “$ git remote add origin <remote-url>” command.

This post will discuss:

When the “fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository” Error Occurs?

The above-listed error often occurs when the user wants to push the local changes into the remote repository without adding the remote URL for tracking. For a better understanding, first, we will show the above-discussed error and then provide the method to resolve it.

Step 1: Move to Repository

First, navigate to the Git desired repository through the provided command:

$ cd "C:\Users\nazma\Git\Test_10

Step 2: Create File

Next, run the “touch” command to create a new file in the repository:

$ touch file2.txt

Step 3: Track Newly Created File

Now, track the newly created file to the staging area by using the following command:

$ git add file2.txt

Step 4: Commit Changes

Execute the “git commit” command to commit the added changes into the repository:

$ git commit -m "File2 added"

Step 5: Check Git Log History

Next, check the Git repository log history using the stated command:

$ git log .

Step 6: Git Push

Next, run the “git push” command with the remote name and local branch:

$ git push origin dev

As you can see, the above-listed command gives an error:

Let’s check out the next section to solve the encountered error.

How to Fix “fatal: ‘origin’ does not appear to be a git repository” Error?

To solve the above-encountered error, follow the below-given instructions.

Step 1: Check Remote List

First, check the list of remote URLs by utilizing the “git remote” command:

$ git remote -v

According to the below-provided output, no remote URL currently exists:

Step 2: Copy Remote URL

Open GitHub, select the repository and copy its HTTPS URL:

Step 3: Add Remote URL

Execute the “git remote add” command with the remote name and copied the remote URL to add it:

$ git remote add origin

Step 4: Pull Local Branch

Finally, execute the “git pull” command with the “–allow-unrelated-histories” option to pull the local branch:

$ git pull origin dev --allow-unrelated-histories

As a result, Git will open the merge message file in the default text editor. In this file, add a comment and save it:

As you can see, the pull operation is performed successfully, and the previously encountered error is resolved:

That’s all! We have provided the solution to fix the fatal error that occurred while pushing the local branch into the remote.


The discussed fatal error often occurs when the user pushes the local changes into the remote repository without adding the tracking remote URL. To solve this issue, execute the “$ git remote add origin <remote-url>” command to add a new remote URL. This post provided the solution to solve the fatal error that often occur while pushing the local change into the remote repository.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.