Oracle Database

Oracle Raise_Application_Error Function

When it comes to development, there is always room for errors, whether it’s an application error or a user-related mistake. As a developer, you will need to anticipate where an error can occur and take action beforehand. Commonly known as error handling, this process can allow your application to run smoothly even when an error occurs without terminating prematurely.

In this article, you will learn about one of the error-handling procedures in the Oracle database called the raise_application_error.

Oracle Raise_Application_Error Procedure

The raise_application_error in Oracle is a stored procedure that enables you to raise the user-defined error messages.

When working with the Oracle database, you may have come across an error message such as the one in the following:

[42000][904] ORA-00904: "HI": invalid identifier

This type of error is known as a database engine error. It is defined in the Oracle database and raised when a given error occurs.

Using the raise_application_error procedure, Oracle allows us to define our custom messages with a specific error code and message.

This can be very useful when a specific error occurs and you wish to alert the user with a descriptive error message. This means that you will not have unhandled the error exceptions with no statement about what happened.

Procedure Syntax and Parameters

The following code snippet establishes the syntax of the raise_application_error procedure:

    [{TRUE | FALSE}]

The procedure is comprised of three main parameters:

  1. Error_number – This parameter represents a specific integer value which is mapped to an error code. The value of this parameter ranges from -20000 to -20999.
  2. Message – This is a string value that denotes the user-defined error message to display to the user. The value of the message parameter has a length of up to 70 bytes.
  3. Keeperrorstack – This parameter is a Boolean value that determines whether the error stack should be preserved. By default, the procedure does not maintain the error stack.

NOTE: Preserving the error stack means that the error is added to the series of previous errors. If the stack is not preserved, the new error message replaces all the previous errors.

The following are some essential points to note for the raise_application_error procedure:

  1. The database engine automatically and immediately halts the execution of the parent block when it encounters the raise_application_error stored procedure.
  2. The procedure forces a rollback for all the operations made to the OUT and IN OUT parameters.
  3. The raise_application_error procedure rollback feature does not affect the global data structures such as database objects. However, if you wish to perform a rollback on such objects, you must call the rollback operation explicitly.

Example Raise_Application_Error Stored Procedure Usage

In this example, we are going to demonstrate how to use the raise_application_error procedure using the HR schema.

Consider the following provided source code:

create or replace procedure check_commission(
    emp_id number
    fname      EMPLOYEES.FIRST_NAME%type;
    em         EMPLOYEES.EMAIL%type;
    sal        EMPLOYEES.SALARY%type;
    commission EMPLOYEES.COMMISSION_PCT%type;
    into fname, em, sal, commission
    from EMPLOYEES
    where EMPLOYEE_ID = emp_id;
    if commission is null then
        raise_application_error(-20002, 'Null Commission percentage encountered!!' || emp_id);
    end if;
    when others then

The previous example starts by creating a procedure that accepts an employee ID. We then use the employee to select the values from the employees. Finally, we use an IF statement to check if the commission of the received row is null. If it is true, we raise an exception.

We can call the procedure with the target employeed id:

call check_commission(100);


SQLERRM: SQL0438N Application raised error or warning with diagnostic text: "Null Commission percentage encountered:. SQLSTATE=UD030


In this tutorial, you learned how to use the raise_application_error stored procedure to raise the custom error messages.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list