Oracle Database

Oracle Dateadd

Oracle is a powerful database system for small to large enterprise applications. When working with databases, you will often encounter scenarios for working with date and date values.

One operation is calculating a future date or time value from a given input. Luckily, Oracle provides various functions for working with date and time values in SQL statements and queries.

One of these functions is the DATEADD function, which allows you to add a specified time interval to a given date value. This can be useful for calculating future or past dates or determining the difference between two dates.

This article will discuss the syntax and usage of the DATEADD function, along with some examples to help you start using this function in the Oracle database.

Oracle Dateadd Function

As the name suggests, this function allows adding a specified date or time value to a current value. For example, you can use this function to add a number of days, months, or years to another date.

The syntax of the Oracle DATEADD function is as follows:

DATEADD(interval, quantity, date)

The DATEADD function has three arguments:

  1. interval: This is the time interval you want to add to the date value. The interval can be specified using a keyword such as YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND.
  2. quantity: This is the number of intervals you want to add to the date value. For example, if you specify an interval of MONTH and a quantity of 3, the function will add three months to the date.
  3. date: This is the date value to which you want to add the time interval. The date must be in a valid Oracle date format.

The function will then return a date type with the specified unit added to it.

Example Function Usage

Here is an example of the DateAdd function in use:


In the example above, the function will add five months to the date 2023-01-01 and return the resulting date, which is five months from the set value. The dateadd() function must be used within a select statement followed by the table on which you wish to operate.

Since we are not targeting any table column, we are using the dual dummy table in Oracle databases.

The code above should return the output as shown:


Sometimes, you may encounter the ORA-009004: DATEADD invalid identifier error. In such as case, you can check the installed Oracle version to ensure it supports the DATEADD function.

You can also check your database permissions to ensure you have permission to execute such queries on the server.


The DATEADD function is helpful for working with dates in Oracle. It allows you to add a specified time interval to a given date, which can be helpful in tasks such as calculating future or past dates or determining the difference between two dates.

The syntax and usage of the DATEADD function are straightforward, and with a bit of practice, you can use it effectively in your SQL statements and queries. As you continue to work with dates in Oracle, you may want to explore other date and time functions, such as DATEDIFF, DATEPART, and DATETRUNC, which provide additional capabilities for manipulating and analyzing date and time data.

About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list