C Programming

What is the Newline Character in the C language: \r or \n?

In the C programming language, the newline character is a crucial input/output concept that helps coders represent line breaks in code. It is a special character that is used to indicate to the computer that the current line of text has ended and that the next line should begin. The question arises as to whether the newline character in the C language is \r or \n. Although it might seem like a little distinction, it can significantly alter the behavior of your code.

What is a Newline Character Used for?

In programming, the equivalent of a line break is called a newline character. The significance of the newline character can be attributed to a few factors. First, it helps coders break up their code into more readable chunks. This is crucial when working with large programs, as it helps coders keep track of where they are in the code and what they have already done. Second, the newline character is used in file I/O to specify where one line of text ends and another begins. Without the newline character, all text would be lumped together into one long string, making it difficult to parse out individual lines and sentences.

What is the Newline Character in the C language: \r or \n?

Your current operating system will entail the solution. The newline character is denoted by the \n character in Unix-based systems like Linux and macOS. This is because Unix systems were designed to use the ASCII newline character as their end-of-line marker. On the other hand, in Windows-based systems, the \r\n character sequence denotes the newline character. This is because on Windows systems, the end of a line of text is indicated by a combination of the carriage return (\r) and line feed (\n) characters.

Why was the Newline Character Left Undefined?

The reason for this difference is historical. In the early days of computing, several operating systems used different conventions for representing the end of a line of text. For example, the original Macintosh used the \r character as its end-of-line marker. Meanwhile, Unix systems used the ASCII \n character, and IBM mainframes used the \r\n sequence.

When the C language was being developed, it was designed to be portable across different operating systems. Therefore, the newline character was left undefined, and it was up to the programmer to choose which convention to use.

For most C programmers, the choice of which newline character to use is not significant. Nonetheless, there are several circumstances in which it may be crucial. If you are reading a file that was created on a Windows system, you may need to remove the extra \r characters to parse the file correctly on a Unix system as all the line breaks will be ignored, and the resulting code will appear as one long string of text.

Similarly, if code written on a system that uses the \r character is opened on a system that uses the \n character, extra line breaks may be introduced, making the code more difficult to read.


According to the operating system that you are employing, the newline character in the C language can be either \r or \n. While this may seem like a small detail, it can have a significant impact on your code’s behavior, particularly if you are writing code that runs on different operating systems. Therefore, it is essential to understand the conventions used by your target platform and to handle newline characters correctly in your code.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.