
Multi-thread and Data Race Basics in C++

A process is a program that is running on the computer. In modern computers, many processes run at the same time. A program can be broken down into sub-processes for the sub-processes to run at the same time. These sub-processes are called threads. Threads must run as parts of one program.

Some programs require more than one input simultaneously. Such a program needs threads. If threads run in parallel, then the overall speed of the program is increased. Threads also share data among themselves. This data sharing leads to conflicts on which result is valid and when the result is valid. This conflict is a data race and can be resolved.

Since threads have similarities to processes, a program of threads is compiled by the g++ compiler as follows:

 g++ -std=c++17 temp.cc -lpthread -o temp

Where temp. cc is the source code file, and the temp is the executable file.

A program that uses threads, is begun as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;

Note the use of “#include <thread>”.

This article explains Multi-thread and Data Race Basics in C++. The reader should have basic knowledge of C++, it’s Object-Oriented Programming, and its lambda function; to appreciate the rest of this article.

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The flow of control of a program can be single or multiple. When it is single, it is a thread of execution or simply, thread. A simple program is one thread. This thread has the main() function as its top-level function. This thread can be called the main thread. In simple terms, a thread is a top-level function, with possible calls to other functions.

Any function defined in the global scope is a top-level function. A program has the main() function and can have other top-level functions. Each of these top-level functions can be made into a thread by encapsulating it into a thread object. A thread object is a code that turns a function into a thread and manages the thread. A thread object is instantiated from the thread class.

So, to create a thread, a top-level function should already exist. This function is the effective thread. Then a thread object is instantiated. The ID of the thread object without the encapsulated function is different from the ID of the thread object with the encapsulated function. The ID is also an instantiated object, though its string value can be obtained.

If a second thread is needed beyond the main thread, a top-level function should be defined. If a third thread is needed, another top-level function should be defined for that, and so on.

Creating a Thread

The main thread is already there, and it does not have to be recreated. To create another thread, its top-level function should already exist. If the top-level function does not already exist, it should be defined. A thread object is then instantiated, with or without the function. The function is the effective thread (or the effective thread of execution). The following code creates a thread object with a thread (with a function):

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;

void thrdFn() {
        cout << "seen" << '\n';

int main()
    thread thr(&thrdFn);

    return 0;

The name of the thread is thr, instantiated from the thread class, thread. Remember: to compile and run a thread, use a command similar to the one given above.

The constructor function of the thread class takes a reference to the function as an argument.

This program now has two threads: the main thread and the thr object thread. The output of this program should be “seen” from the thread function. This program as it is has no syntax error; it is well-typed. This program, as it is, compiles successfully. However, if this program is run, the thread (function, thrdFn) may not display any output; an error message might be displayed. This is because the thread, thrdFn() and the main() thread, have not been made to work together. In C++, all threads should be made to work together, using the join() method of the thread – see below.

Thread Object Members

The important members of the thread class are the “join()”, “detach()” and “id get_id()” functions;

void join()
If the above program did not produce any output, the two threads were not forced to work together. In the following program, an output is produced because the two threads have been forced to work together:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;

void thrdFn() {
        cout << "seen" << '\n';

int main()
    thread thr(&thrdFn);

    return 0;

Now, there is an output, “seen” without any run-time error message. As soon as a thread object is created, with the encapsulation of the function, the thread starts running; i.e., the function starts executing. The join() statement of the new thread object in the main() thread tells the main thread (main() function) to wait until the new thread (function) has completed its execution (running). The main thread will halt and will not execute its statements below the join() statement until the second thread has finished running. The result of the second thread is correct after the second thread has completed its execution.

If a thread is not joined, it continues to run independently and may even end after the main() thread has ended. In that case, the thread is not really of any use.

The following program illustrates the coding of a thread whose function receives arguments:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;

void thrdFn(char str1[], char str2[]) {
        cout << str1 << str2 << '\n';

int main()
    char st1[] = "I have ";
    char st2[] = "seen it.";

    thread thr(&thrdFn, st1, st2);

    return 0;

The output is:

“I have ” seen it.”

Without the double-quotes. The function arguments have just been added (in order), after the reference to the function, in the parentheses of the thread object constructor.

Returning from a Thread

The effective thread is a function that runs concurrently with the main() function. The return value of the thread (encapsulated function) is not done ordinarily. “How to return value from a thread in C++” is explained below.

Note: It is not only the main() function that can call another thread. A second thread can also call the third thread.

void detach()
After a thread has been joined, it can be detached. Detaching means separating the thread from the thread (main) it was attached to. When a thread is detached from its calling thread, the calling thread no longer waits for it to complete its execution. The thread continues to run on its own and may even end after the calling thread (main) has ended. In that case, the thread is not really of any use. A calling thread should join a called thread for both of them to be of use. Note that joining halts the calling thread from executing until the called thread has completed its own execution. The following program shows how to detach a thread:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;

void thrdFn(char str1[], char str2[]) {
        cout << str1 << str2 << '\n';

int main()
    char st1[] = "I have ";
    char st2[] = "seen it.";

    thread thr(&thrdFn, st1, st2);

    return 0;

Note the statement, “thr.detach();”. This program, as it is, will compile very well. However, when running the program, an error message may be issued. When the thread is detached, it is on its own and may complete its execution after the calling thread has completed its execution.

id get_id()
id is a class in the thread class. The member function, get_id(), returns an object, which is the ID object of the executing thread. The text for the ID can still be gotten from the id object – see later. The following code shows how to obtain the id object of the executing thread:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;

void thrdFn() {
        cout << "seen" << '\n';

int main()
    thread thr(&thrdFn);
    thread::id iD = thr.get_id();  

    return 0;

Thread Returning a Value

The effective thread is a function. A function can return a value. So a thread should be able to return a value. However, as a rule, the thread in C++ does not return a value. This can be worked around using the C++ class, Future in the standard library, and the C++ async() function in the Future library. A top-level function for the thread is still used but without the direct thread object. The following code illustrates this:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
using namespace std;

future output;

char* thrdFn(char* str) {
        return str;

int main()
    char st[] = "I have seen it.";

    output = async(thrdFn, st);
    char* ret = output.get();   //waits for thrdFn() to provide result

    return 0;

The output is:

“I have seen it.”

Note the inclusion of the future library for the future class. The program begins with the instantiation of the future class for the object, output, of specialization . The async() function is a C++ function in the std namespace in the future library. The first argument to the function is the name of the function that would have been a thread function. The rest of the arguments for the async() function are arguments for the supposed thread function.

The calling function (main thread) waits for the executing function in the above code until it provides the result. It does this with the statement:

char* ret = output.get();

This statement uses the get() member function of the future object. The expression “output.get()” halts the execution of the calling function (main() thread) until the supposed thread function completes its execution. If this statement is absent, the main() function may return before async() finishes the execution of the supposed thread function. The get() member function of the future returns the returned value of the supposed thread function. In this way, a thread has indirectly returned a value. There is no join() statement in the program.

Communication Between Threads

The simplest way for threads to communicate is to be accessing the same global variables, which are the different arguments to their different thread functions. The following program illustrates this. The main thread of the main() function is assumed to be thread-0. It is thread-1, and there is thread-2. Thread-0 calls thread-1 and joins it. Thread-1 calls thread-2 and joins it.

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

string global1 = string("I have ");
string global2 = string("seen it.");

void thrdFn2(string str2) {
        string globl = global1 + str2;
        cout << globl << endl;

void thrdFn1(string str1) {
        global1 = "Yes, " + str1;

        thread thr2(&thrdFn2, global2);  

int main()
    thread thr1(&thrdFn1, global1);  

    return 0;

The output is:

“Yes, I have seen it.”
Note that the string class has been used this time, instead of the array-of-characters, for convenience. Note that thrdFn2() has been defined before thrdFn1() in the overall code; otherwise thrdFn2() would not be seen in thrdFn1(). Thread-1 modified global1 before Thread-2 used it. That is communication.

More communication can be got with the use of condition_variable or Future – see below.

The thread_local Specifier

A global variable must not necessarily be passed to a thread as an argument of the thread. Any thread body can see a global variable. However, it is possible to make a global variable have different instances in different threads. In this way, each thread can modify the original value of the global variable to its own different value. This is done with the use of the thread_local specifier as in the following program:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;

thread_local int inte = 0;

void thrdFn2() {
    inte = inte + 2;
    cout << inte << " of 2nd thread\n";

void thrdFn1() {
    thread thr2(&thrdFn2);
    inte = inte + 1;
    cout << inte << " of 1st thread\n";


int main()
    thread thr1(&thrdFn1);  
    cout << inte << " of 0th thread\n";

    return 0;

The output is:

0, of 0th thread
1, of 1st thread
2, of 2nd thread

Sequences, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Parallel, Concurrent, Order

Atomic Operations

Atomic operations are like unit operations. Three important atomic operations are store(), load() and the read-modify-write operation. The store() operation can store an integer value, for example, into the microprocessor accumulator (a kind of memory location in the microprocessor). The load() operation can read an integer value, for example, from the accumulator, into the program.


An atomic operation consists of one or more actions. These actions are sequences. A bigger operation can be made up of more than one atomic operation (more sequences). The verb “sequence ” can mean whether an operation is placed before another operation.


Operations operating one after the other, consistently in one thread, are said to operate synchronously. Suppose two or more threads are operating concurrently without interfering with one another, and no thread has an asynchronous callback function scheme. In that case, the threads are said to be operating synchronously.

If one operation operates on an object and ends as expected, then another operation operates on that same object; the two operations will be said to have operated synchronously, as neither interfered with the other on the use of the object.


Assume that there are three operations, called operation1, operation2, and operation3, in one thread. Assume that the expected order of working is: operation1, operation2, and operation3. If working takes place as expected, that is a synchronous operation. However, if, for some special reason, the operation goes as operation1, operation3, and operation2, then it would now be asynchronous. Asynchronous behavior is when the order is not the normal flow.

Also, if two threads are operating, and along the way, one has to wait for the other to complete before it continues to its own completion, then that is asynchronous behavior.


Assume that there are two threads. Assume that if they are to run one after the other, they will take two minutes, one minute per thread. With parallel execution, the two threads will run simultaneously, and the total execution time would be one minute. This needs a dual-core microprocessor. With three threads, a three-core microprocessor would be needed, and so on.

If asynchronous code segments operate in parallel with synchronous code segments, there would be an increase in speed for the whole program. Note: the asynchronous segments can still be coded as different threads.


With concurrent execution, the above two threads will still run separately. However, this time they will take two minutes (for the same processor speed, everything equal). There is a single-core microprocessor here. There will be interleaved between the threads. A segment of the first thread will run, then a segment of the second thread runs, then a segment of the first thread runs, then a segment of the second, and so on.

In practice, in many situations, parallel execution does some interleaving for the threads to communicate.


For the actions of an atomic operation to be successful, there must be an order for the actions to achieve synchronous operation. For a set of operations to work successfully, there must be an order for the operations for synchronous execution.

Blocking a Thread

By employing the join() function, the calling thread waits for the called thread to complete its execution before it continues its own execution. That wait is blocking.


A code segment (critical section) of a thread of execution can be locked just before it starts and unlocked after it ends. When that segment is locked, only that segment can use the computer resources it needs; no other running thread can use those resources. An example of such a resource is the memory location of a global variable. Different threads can access a global variable. Locking allows only one thread, a segment of it, that has been locked to access the variable when that segment is running.


Mutex stands for Mutual Exclusion. A mutex is an instantiated object that enables the programmer to lock and unlock a critical code section of a thread. There is a mutex library in the C++ standard library. It has the classes: mutex and timed_mutex – see details below.

A mutex owns its lock.

Timeout in C++

An action can be made to occur after a duration or at a particular point in time. To achieve this, “Chrono” has to be included, with the directive, “#include <chrono>”.

duration is the class-name for duration, in the namespace chrono, which is in namespace std. Duration objects can be created as follows:

chrono::hours hrs(2);
chrono::minutes mins(2);
chrono::seconds secs(2);
chrono::milliseconds msecs(2);
chrono::microseconds micsecs(2);

Here, there are 2 hours with the name, hrs; 2 minutes with the name, mins; 2 seconds with the name, secs; 2 milliseconds with the name, msecs; and 2 microseconds with the name, micsecs.

1 millisecond = 1/1000 seconds. 1 microsecond = 1/1000000 seconds.

The default time_point in C++ is the time point after the UNIX epoch. The UNIX epoch is 1st January 1970. The following code creates a time_point object, which is 100 hours after the UNIX-epoch.

chrono::hours hrs(100);
chrono::time_point tp(hrs);

Here, tp is an instantiated object.

Lockable Requirements

Let m be the instantiated object of the class, mutex.

BasicLockable Requirements

This expression blocks the thread (current thread) when it is typed until a lock is acquired. Until the next code segment is the only segment in control of the computer resources that it needs (for data access). If a lock cannot be acquired, an exception (error message) would be thrown.

This expression unlocks the lock from the previous segment, and the resources can now be used by any thread or by more than one thread (which unfortunately may conflict with each other). The following program illustrates the use of m.lock() and m.unlock(), where m is the mutex object.

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;

int globl = 5;
mutex m;

void thrdFn() {
    //some statements
        globl = globl + 2;
        cout << globl << endl;

int main()
    thread thr(&thrdFn);

    return 0;

The output is 7. There are two threads here: the main() thread and the thread for thrdFn(). Note that the mutex library has been included. The expression to instantiate the mutex is “mutex m;”. Because of the use of lock() and unlock(), the code segment,

globl = globl + 2;
cout << globl << endl;

Which must not necessarily be indented, is the only code that has access to the memory location (resource), identified by globl, and the computer screen (resource) represented by cout, at the time of execution.

This is the same as m.lock() but does not block the current execution agent. It goes straight ahead and attempts a lock. If it cannot lock, probably because another thread has already locked the resources, it throws an exception.

It returns a bool: true if the lock was acquired and false if the lock was not acquired.

“m.try_lock()” must be unlocked with “m.unlock()”, after the appropriate code segment.

TimedLockable Requirements

There are two time lockable functions: m.try_lock_for(rel_time) and m.try_lock_until(abs_time).

This attempts to acquire a lock for the current thread within the duration, rel_time. If the lock has not been acquired within rel_time, an exception would be thrown.

The expression returns true if a lock is acquired, or false if a lock is not acquired. The appropriate code segment must be unlocked with “m.unlock()” . Example:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;

int globl = 5;
timed_mutex m;
chrono::seconds secs(2);

void thrdFn() {
    //some statements
        globl = globl + 2;
        cout << globl << endl;
    //some statements

int main()
    thread thr(&thrdFn);

    return 0;

The output is 7. mutex is a library with a class, mutex. This library has another class, called timed_mutex. The mutex object, m here, is of timed_mutex type. Note that the thread, mutex, and Chrono libraries have been included in the program.

This attempts to acquire a lock for the current thread before the time-point, abs_time. If the lock cannot be acquired before abs_time, an exception should be thrown.

The expression returns true if a lock is acquired, or false if a lock is not acquired. The appropriate code segment must be unlocked with “m.unlock()” . Example:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;

int globl = 5;
timed_mutex m;

chrono::hours hrs(100);
chrono::time_point tp(hrs);

void thrdFn() {
    //some statements
        globl = globl + 2;
        cout << globl << endl;
    //some statements

int main()
    thread thr(&thrdFn);

    return 0;

If the time-point is in the past, the locking should take place now.

Note that the argument for m.try_lock_for() is duration and the argument for m.try_lock_until() is time point. Both of these arguments are instantiated classes (objects).

Mutex Types

Mutex types are: mutex, recursive_mutex, shared_mutex, timed_mutex, recursive_timed_-mutex, and shared_timed_mutex. The recursive mutexes shall not be addressed in this article.

Note: a thread owns a mutex from the time the call to lock is made until unlock.

Important member functions for the ordinary mutex type (class) are: mutex() for mutex object construction, “void lock()”, “bool try_lock()” and “void unlock()”. These functions have been explained above.

With shared mutex, more than one thread can share access to the computer resources. So, by the time the threads with shared mutexes have completed their execution, while they were at lock-down, they were all manipulating the same set of resources (all accessing the value of a global variable, for example).

Important member functions for the shared_mutex type are: shared_mutex() for construction, “void lock_shared()”, “bool try_lock_shared()” and “void unlock_shared()”.

lock_shared() blocks the calling thread (thread it is typed in) till the lock for the resources is acquired. The calling thread may be the first thread to acquire the lock, or it may join other threads that have already acquired the lock. If the lock cannot be acquired, because for example, too many threads are already sharing the resources, then an exception would be thrown.

try_lock_shared() is the same as lock_shared(), but does not block.

unlock_shared() is not really the same as unlock(). unlock_shared() unlocks shared mutex. After one thread share-unlocks itself, other threads may still hold a shared lock on the mutex from the shared mutex.

Important member functions for the timed_mutex type are: “timed_mutex()” for construction, “void lock()”, “bool try_lock()”, “bool try_lock_for(rel_time)”, “bool try_lock_until(abs_time)”, and “void unlock()”. These functions have been explained above, though try_lock_for() and try_lock_until() still need more explanation – see later.

With shared_timed_mutex, more than one thread can share access to the computer resources, depending on time (duration or time_point). So, by the time the threads with shared timed mutexes have completed their execution, while they were at lock-down, they were all manipulating the resources (all accessing the value of a global variable, for example).

Important member functions for the shared_timed_mutex type are: shared_timed_mutex() for construction, “bool try_lock_shared_for(rel_time);”, “bool try_lock_shared_until(abs_time)” and “void unlock_shared()”.

“bool try_lock_shared_for()” takes the argument, rel_time (for relative time). “bool try_lock_shared_until()” takes the argument, abs_time (for absolute time). If the lock cannot be acquired, because for example, too many threads are already sharing the resources, then an exception would be thrown.

unlock_shared() is not really the same as unlock(). unlock_shared() unlocks shared_mutex or shared_timed_mutex. After one thread share-unlocks itself from the shared_timed_mutex, other threads may still hold a shared lock on the mutex.

Data Race

Data Race is a situation where more than one thread access the same memory location simultaneously, and at least one writes. This is clearly a conflict.

A data race is minimized (solved) by blocking or locking, as illustrated above. It can also be handled using, Call Once – see below. These three features are in the mutex library. These are the fundamental ways of a handling data race. There are other more advanced ways, which bring in more convenience – see below.


A lock is an object (instantiated). It is like a wrapper over a mutex. With locks, there is automatic (coded) unlocking when the lock goes out of scope. That is, with a lock, there is no need to unlock it. The unlocking is done as the lock goes out of scope. A lock needs a mutex to operate. It is more convenient to use a lock than to use a mutex. C++ locks are: lock_guard, scoped_lock, unique_lock, shared_lock. scoped_lock is not addressed in this article.

The following code shows how a lock_guard is used:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;

int globl = 5;
mutex m;

void thrdFn() {
    //some statements
    lock_guard<mutex> lck(m);
        globl = globl + 2;
        cout << globl << endl;

int main()
    thread thr(&thrdFn);

    return 0;

The output is 7. The type (class) is lock_guard in the mutex library. In constructing its lock object, it takes the template argument, mutex. In the code, the name of the lock_guard instantiated object is lck. It needs an actual mutex object for its construction (m). Notice that there is no statement to unlock the lock in the program. This lock died (unlocked) as it went out of the scope of the thrdFn() function.

Only its current thread can be active when any lock is on, in the interval, while the lock is on. The main difference between unique_lock and lock_guard is that ownership of the mutex by a unique_lock, can be transferred to another unique_lock. unique_lock has more member functions than lock_guard.

Important functions of unique_lock are: “void lock()”, “bool try_lock()”, “template <class Rep, class Period>bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration <Rep, Period>& rel_time)”, and “template <class Clock, class Duration>bool try_lock_until(const chrono::time_point <Clock, Duration>& abs_time)” .

Note that the return type for try_lock_for() and try_lock_until() is not bool here – see later. The basic forms of these functions have been explained above.

Ownership of a mutex can be transferred from unique_lock1 to unique_lock2 by first releasing it off unique_lock1, and then allowing unique_lock2 to be constructed with it. unique_lock has an unlock() function for this releasing. In the following program, ownership is transferred in this way:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;

mutex m;

int globl = 5;

void thrdFn2() {
    unique_lock<mutex> lck2(m);
        globl = globl + 2;
        cout << globl << endl;

void thrdFn1() {
    unique_lock<mutex> lck1(m);
        globl = globl + 2;
        cout << globl << endl;

        thread thr2(&thrdFn2);

int main()
    thread thr1(&thrdFn1);  

    return 0;

The output is:


The mutex of unique_lock, lck1 was transferred to unique_lock, lck2. The unlock() member function for unique_lock does not destroy the mutex.

More than one shared_lock object (instantiated) can share the same mutex. This mutex shared has to be shared_mutex. The shared mutex can be transferred to another shared_lock, in the same way, that the mutex of a unique_lock can be transferred to another unique_lock, with the help of the unlock() or release() member function.

Important functions of shared_lock are: "void lock()", "bool try_lock()", "template<class Rep, class Period>bool try_lock_for(const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time)", "template<class Clock, class Duration>bool try_lock_until(const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time)", and "void unlock()". These functions are the same as those for unique_lock.

Call Once

A thread is an encapsulated function. So, the same thread can be for different thread objects (for some reason). Should this same function, but in different threads, not be called once, independent of the concurrency nature of threading? – It should. Imagine that there is a function that has to increment a global variable of 10 by 5. If this function is called once, the result would be 15 – fine. If it is called twice, the result would be 20 – not fine. If it is called three times, the result would be 25 – still not fine. The following program illustrates the use of the “call once” feature:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;

auto globl = 10;

once_flag flag1;

void thrdFn(int no) {
    call_once(flag1, [no]() {
        globl =  globl + no;});

int main()
    thread thr1(&thrdFn, 5);  
    thread thr2(&thrdFn, 6);  
    thread thr3(&thrdFn, 7);  

    cout << globl << endl;

    return 0;

The output is 15, confirming that the function, thrdFn(), was called once. That is, the first thread was executed, and the following two threads in main()were not executed. “void call_once()” is a predefined function in the mutex library. It is called the function of interest (thrdFn), which would be the function of the different threads. Its first argument is a flag – see later. In this program, its second argument is a void lambda function. In effect, the lambda function has been called once, not really the thrdFn() function. It is the lambda function in this program that really increments the global variable.

Condition Variable

When a thread is running, and it halts, that is blocking. When the critical section of the thread “holds” the computer resources, such that no other thread would use the resources, except itself, that is locking.

Blocking and its accompanied locking is the main way to solve the data race between threads. However, that is not good enough. What if critical sections of different threads, where no thread calls any other thread, want the resources simultaneously? That would introduce a data race! Blocking with its accompanied locking as described above is good when one thread calls another thread, and the thread called, calls another thread, called thread calls another, and so on. This provides synchronization between the threads in that the critical section of one thread uses the resources to its satisfaction. The critical section of the called thread uses the resources to its own satisfaction, then the next to its satisfaction, and so on. If the threads were to run in parallel (or concurrently), there would be a data race between the critical sections.

Call Once handles this problem by executing only one of the threads, assuming that the threads are similar in content. In many situations, the threads are not similar in content, and so some other strategy is needed. Some other strategy is needed for synchronization. Condition Variable can be used, but it is primitive. However, it has the advantage that the programmer has more flexibility, similar to how the programmer has more flexibility in coding with mutexes over locks.

A condition variable is a class with member functions. It is its instantiated object that is used. A condition variable allows the programmer to program a thread (function). It would block itself until a condition is met before it locks onto the resources and uses them alone. This avoids data race between locks.

Condition variable has two important member functions, which are wait() and notify_one(). wait() takes arguments. Imagine two threads: wait() is in the thread that intentionally blocks itself by waiting until a condition is met. notify_one() is in the other thread, which must signal the waiting thread, through the condition variable, that the condition has been met.

The waiting thread must have unique_lock. The notifying thread can have lock_guard. The wait() function statement should be coded just after the locking statement in the waiting thread. All locks in this thread synchronization scheme use the same mutex.

The following program illustrates the use of the condition variable, with two threads:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
using namespace std;

mutex m;
condition_variable cv;

bool dataReady = false;

void waitingForWork(){
    cout << "Waiting" << '\n';
    unique_lock<std::mutex> lck1(m);
    cv.wait(lck1, []{ return dataReady; });  
    cout << "Running" << '\n';

void setDataReady(){

        lock_guard<mutex> lck2(m);
        dataReady = true;

    cout << "Data prepared" << '\n';

int main(){
    cout << '\n';

    thread thr1(waitingForWork);
    thread thr2(setDataReady);

    cout << '\n';

  return 0;

The output is:

Data prepared

The instantiated class for a mutex is m. The instantiated class for condition_variable is cv. dataReady is of type bool and is initialized to false. When the condition is met (whatever it is), dataReady is assigned the value, true. So, when dataReady becomes true, the condition has been met. The waiting thread then has to go off its blocking mode, lock the resources (mutex), and continue executing itself.

Remember, as soon as a thread is instantiated in the main() function; its corresponding function starts running (executing).

The thread with unique_lock begins; it displays the text “Waiting” and locks the mutex in the next statement. In the statement after, it checks if dataReady, which is the condition, is true. If it is still false, the condition_variable unlocks the mutex and blocks the thread. Blocking the thread means putting it in the waiting mode. (Note: with unique_lock, its lock can be unlocked and locked again, both opposite actions again and again, in the same thread). The waiting function of the condition_variable here has two arguments. The first is the unique_lock object. The second is a lambda function, which simply just returns the Boolean value of dataReady. This value becomes the concrete second argument of the waiting function, and the condition_variable reads it from there. dataReady is the effective condition when its value is true.

When the waiting function detects that dataReady is true, the lock on the mutex (resources) is maintained, and the rest of the statements below, in the thread, are executed till the end of the scope, where the lock is destroyed.

The thread with function, setDataReady() that notifies the waiting thread is that the condition is met. In the program, this notifying thread locks the mutex (resources) and uses the mutex. When it finishes using the mutex, it sets dataReady to true, meaning the condition is met, for the waiting thread to stop waiting (stop blocking itself) and start using the mutex (resources).

After setting dataReady to true, the thread quickly concludes as it calls the notify_one() function of the condition_variable. The condition variable is present in this thread, as well as in the waiting thread. In the waiting thread, the wait() function of the same condition variable deduces that the condition is set for the waiting thread to unblock (stop waiting) and continue executing. The lock_guard has to release the mutex before the unique_lock can re-lock the mutex. The two locks use the same mutex.

Well, the synchronization scheme for threads, offered by the condition_variable, is primitive. A mature scheme is the use of the class, future from the library, future.

Future Basics

As illustrated by the condition_variable scheme, the idea of waiting for a condition to be set is asynchronous before continuing to execute asynchronously. This leads to good synchronization if the programmer really knows what he is doing. A better approach, which relies less on the programmer’s skill, with ready-made code from the experts, uses the future class.

With the future class, the condition (dataReady) above and the final value of the global variable, globl in the previous code, form part of what is called the shared state. The shared state is a state that can be shared by more than one thread.

With the future, dataReady set to true is called ready, and it is not really a global variable. In the future, a global variable like globl is the result of a thread, but this is also not really a global variable. Both are part of the shared state, which belongs to the future class.

The future library has a class called promise and an important function called async(). If a thread function has a final value, like the globl value above, the promise should be used. If the thread function is to return a value, then async() should be used.

the promise is a class in the future library. It has methods. It can store the result of the thread. The following program illustrates the use of promise:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
using namespace std;

void setDataReady(promise<int>&& increment4, int inpt){
    int result = inpt + 4;

int main(){
    promise<int> adding;
    future fut = adding.get_future();

    thread thr(setDataReady, move(adding), 6);
    int res = fut.get();
    //main() thread waits here
    cout << res << endl;  

    return 0;  

The output is 10. There are two threads here: the main() function and thr. Note the inclusion of <future>. The function parameters for setDataReady() of thr, are “promise<int>&& increment4” and “int inpt”. The first statement in this function body adds 4 to 6, which is the inpt argument sent from main(), to obtain the value for 10. A promise object is created in main() and sent to this thread as increment4.

One of the member functions of promise is set_value(). Another one is set_exception(). set_value() puts the result into the shared state. If the thread thr could not obtain the result, the programmer would have used the set_exception() of the promise object to set an error message into the shared state. After the result or exception is set, the promise object sends out a notification message.

The future object must: wait for the promise's notification, ask the promise if the value (result) is available, and pick up the value (or exception) from the promise.

In the main function (thread), the first statement creates a promise object called adding. A promise object has a future object. The second statement returns this future object in the name of “fut”. Note here that there is a connection between the promise object and its future object.

The third statement creates a thread. Once a thread is created, it starts executing concurrently. Note how the promise object has been sent as an argument (also note how it was declared a parameter in the function definition for the thread).

The fourth statement gets the result from the future object. Remember that the future object must pick up the result from the promise object. However, if the future object has not yet received a notification that the result is ready, the main() function will have to wait at that point until the result is ready. After the result is ready, it would be assigned to the variable, res.

The future library has the function async(). This function returns a future object. The main argument to this function is an ordinary function that returns a value. The return value is sent to the shared state of the future object. The calling thread gets the return value from the future object. Using async() here is, that the function runs concurrently to the calling function. The following program illustrates this:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
using namespace std;

int fn(int inpt){
    int result = inpt + 4;
    return result;

int main(){

    future<int> output = async(fn, 6);
    int res = output.get();
    //main() thread waits here
    cout << res << endl;  

    return 0;  

The output is 10.

The future class is in two flavors: future and shared_future. When the threads do not have a common shared state (threads are independent), the future should be used. When the threads have a common shared state, shared_future should be used. The following program illustrates the use of shared_future:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
using namespace std;

promise<int> addadd;
shared_future fut = addadd.get_future();

void thrdFn2() {
    int rs = fut.get();
    //thread, thr2 waits here
    int result = rs + 4;
    cout << result << endl;

void thrdFn1(int in) {

    int reslt = in + 4;

    thread thr2(thrdFn2);

    int res = fut.get();
    //thread, thr1 waits here
    cout << res << endl;  

int main()
    thread thr1(&thrdFn1, 6);  

    return 0;

The output is:


Two different threads have shared the same future object. Note how the shared future object was created. The result value, 10, has been gotten twice from two different threads. The value can be gotten more than once from many threads but cannot be set more than once in more than one thread. Note where the statement, “thr2.join();” has been placed in thr1


A thread (thread of execution) is a single flow of control in a program. More than one thread can be in a program, to run concurrently or in parallel. In C++, a thread object has to be instantiated from the thread class to have a thread.

Data Race is a situation where more than one thread is trying to access the same memory location simultaneously, and at least one is writing. This is clearly a conflict. The fundamental way to resolve the data race for threads is to block the calling thread while waiting for the resources. When it could get the resources, it locks them so that it alone and no other thread would use the resources while it needs them. It must release the lock after using the resources so that some other thread can lock onto the resources.

Mutexes, locks, condition_variable and future, are used to resolve data race for threads. Mutexes need more coding than locks and so more prone to programming errors. locks need more coding than condition_variable and so more prone to programming errors. condition_variable needs more coding than future, and so more prone to programming errors.

If you have read this article and understood, you would read the rest of the information concerning the thread, in the C++ specification, and understand.

About the author

Chrysanthus Forcha

Discoverer of mathematics Integration from First Principles and related series. Master’s Degree in Technical Education, specializing in Electronics and Computer Software. BSc Electronics. I also have knowledge and experience at the Master’s level in Computing and Telecommunications. Out of 20,000 writers, I was the 37th best writer at devarticles.com. I have been working in these fields for more than 10 years.