
How to Manage Docker Containers With PowerShell?

Users can run Docker on Windows or any other operating system. Docker improves productivity and enables native networking. Docker requires Windows 10, enabling Hyper-V, virtualization. Whenever you install Docker its components are installed automatically, such as Docker engine, Docker compose, Docker Machine, and Kinematic.

This write-up provides help to manage docker containers with PowerShell.

How to Manage Docker Containers With PowerShell?

PowerShell provides cmdlets for interaction with Docker images and containers. Docker is used for creating, deploying, and running applications using containers. Containers of Docker operate on a host operating system and are alternatives to Virtual Machines. Pre-allocated RAM is not required for Containers. When a user normally installs a virtual machine it uses the guest operating system and takes a lot of resources and space. Docker containers contain the operating system itself along with the libraries that are necessary for the performance of the particular application.

Docker has its registry known as the docker registry where you scan and store all of your images and these images can be pulled from your local server. Users can perform push and pull operations to the Docker hub. The Docker hub is the storage of all images. The Docker manager is responsible for checking all the applications are running effectively.

Managing Docker Containers

Step 1: Open PowerShell

First, press the Windows key, search Windows PowerShell ISE, select it, and click on the Run as administrator:

Step 2: Check Docker’s Version

Then, check whether you successfully installed Docker by using the below-mentioned command:

docker --version


Step 3: Clear Screen

After successfully installing docker, run a few basic commands but first clear the terminal using the following command:


Step 4: List Docker Images

Afterward, the user can check Docker images in the system by executing the following command:

docker images


Step 5: Pull Docker Image

Next, the user can pull a Docker image from the Docker hub with the help of the provided command:

docker pull ubuntu


Step 6: Execute Pulled Docker Image

Now, run the above pulled Docker image through the following command:

docker run -it -d ubuntu


Step 7: Display Available Containers

To show all the available containers including stopped and on running state, the user can run the following command:

docker ps -a


Step 8: Use Docker Bash

Users can use the Docker bash to perform different operations by running the provided command:

docker exec -it 6bba6011342b bash


Step 9: Display File Content

Now, the user is basically within the container and can perform the command “echo” for displaying the file content. As shown below:

echo LinuxHint


Step 10: Exit Docker Bash

To exit the Docker bash, execute the below-stated command and you can also clear your terminal, by using an “exit” command:



Step 11: Stop Docker Container

To stop any running container, use the following command along with the particular container ID:

docker stop 6bba6011342b


Step 12: Create an Image on Local System

Moreover, the user can create a new image on the local system by the below-described command:

docker commit 6bba6011342b linuxhint/ubuntu


Additionally, the user can add their repository. As in the above output, “linuxhint” is the Docker hub username, and “ubuntu” is the Docker image.

Step 13: Check Existing Images

Now, again check the Docker images, you will observe that a new image has been added successfully:

docker images


Step 14: Remove a Container

To delete a container, use the “rm” command along with the “CONTAINER ID” that the user wants to delete:

docker rm 6bba6011342b


Step 15: Verification

To verify whether the deleted container exists in the list or not, use the following command:

docker ps -a


That’s all! We have compiled the easiest way to manage the Docker containers with PowerShell.


PowerShell is used as a configuration and automation framework. Docker containers can be managed using PowerShell commands. Users can create, remove, pull, or commit any image from the Docker hub in PowerShell. This write-up illustrated detailed information about managing the Docker containers with PowerShell.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.