
List Git Commits Not Pushed to the Origin Yet

While working on large development team projects in Git, it is important to keep track of changes to ensure that all team members are aware of the modifications made to the project. After modifying the project, they send/push those modifications to the GitHub repository. However, you may sometimes want to review the changes made before pushing them to the remote repository. Viewing unpushed commits allow users to ensure changes and identify issues and bugs.

This write-up will explain:

How to List Git Commits of Current Branch That Have Not Pushed to Remote “origin” Yet?

To display all commits of the current branch that have not been pushed to the “origin” yet, different commands can be used, such as:

Example 1: Listing Unpushed Commits of the Current Branch Using “git log origin/<branch-name>..HEAD” Command

List all the unpushed commits of the current Git branch by running the given-provided command:

git log origin/master..HEAD

In the below output, all the unpushed commits of the “master” branch between “origin/master” and “HEAD” can be seen:

Example 2: Listing Unpushed Commits of the Current Branch Using “git log @{u}..” Command

The following command can also be used to display the unpushed commits of the current branch:

git log @{u}..

Here, the “@{u}” option is used to list the commits that exist locally but not upstream:

Moreover, to view the unpushed commits of the current branch in one line, utilize the “–oneline” option in the same command:

git log --oneline @{u}..

The below output only shows the SHA-hash and commit message of the unpushed commits:

How to List Git Commits of All Branches That Have Not Pushed to “origin” Yet?

To list commits of all available branches that have not been pushed to the “origin” yet, various commands can be utilized, such as:

Example 1: Listing Unpushed Commits of All Branches Using “git log –branches –not –remotes” Command

Write out the provided command to display commits of all branches that have not been pushed to the “origin” yet:

git log --branches --not --remotes

The below output shows the unpushed commits of “master” and “feature” branches:

Example 2: Listing Unpushed Commits of All Branches Using “git log –branches @{u}..” Command

To view the commits of all branches that exist locally but not upstream, execute the following command:

git log --branches @{u}..


Moreover, to view all commits in one line, use the “–oneline” option with the same command:

git log --oneline --branches @{u}..


That was all about listing unpushed commits in Git repository.


To display the commits of the current branch that have not been pushed to the remote repository, the “git log origin/<branch-name>..HEAD” and “git log @{u}..” commands can be used. Furthermore, to list the unpushed commits of all branches, utilize the “git log –branches –not –remotes” or “git log –branches @{u}..” command. Moreover, you can use the “–oneline” option with these commands to display commits in one line. This write-up explained the procedure to list the commits that have not been pushed to the GitHub repository yet.

About the author

Laiba Younas

I have done bachelors in Computer Science. Being passionate about learning new technologies, I am interested in exploring different programming languages and sharing my experience with the world.