
Is There any “git rebase origin” Command in Git

Git rebase is one the most useful commands of the Git tool. The Git “rebase” command creates a new base that contains a combined series of commits. More specifically, the process of combining and moving commits to a new base is known as rebasing. The “git rebase origin/<branch>” is utilized to rebase the remote branches.

In this post, we will explain:

Is there any “git rebase origin” Command in Git?

If the user runs the “git rebase origin” command, the Git terminal will show the error message “fatal: invalid upstream ‘origin’” and never rebase the upstream remote branch. However, Git users can use the “git rebase origin/branch” command for rebasing the branch from the remote upstream branch and squashing commits.

How to Use the “git rebase origin/<branch>” Command?

To use the “git rebase origin/branch” command, Git users are required to pull the branch from the remote upstream or fetch the remote branch using the “git fetch” command.

Step 1: Open Git Terminal

First, from the Windows “Startup” menu, launch the Git terminal:

Step 2: Move to Git Repository

By utilizing the “cd” command, move to the Git repository:

$ cd "C:\Git"

Step 3: Pull Remote Branch

Pull the changes of the remote branch and add it to the HEAD of the local repository:

$ git pull origin master

Step 4: Check Branches

Check the list of branches and choose the branch in which you want to rebase the origin branch:

$ git branch

Step 5: Switch to Branch

Switch to the branch to which you are rebasing the origin through the “git checkout” command:

$ git checkout features

Step 6: Rebase Origin Branch

Next, rebase the origin branch or remote branch using the “git rebase origin/<branch-name>” command:

$ git rebase origin/master

Check the Git log to verify if the remote branch is rebased or not:

$ git reflog

Bonus Tip: Alternative Method to Rebase Origin Branch

The Git users can rebase the remote branch by upstreaming the remote branch and then directly rebase the upstream branch in the local branch using the “git rebase <upstream-branch> <local branch name>” command.

For this purpose, go through the provided instructions.

Step 1: Upstream Origin Branch

Set the remote branch as upstream by utilizing the “git branch” command. Here, the option “–set-upstream” is used to set the upstream branch:

$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master

Step 2: Rebase Upstream Branch into Local Branch

Next, rebase the remote upstream branch in the local branch through the “git rebase <upstream-branch> <local>” command:

$ git rebase origin/master master

We have compiled authentic information related to rebasing remote branches in Git.


To rebase the remote branch, first pull or fetch the remote branch through the “git pull <remote name> <branch-name>” command. Next, move to the branch where you want to rebase the remote branch, then utilize the “git rebase origin/branch” command to rebase the remote branch. This write-up has demonstrated whether there is any “git rebase origin” command in Git.

About the author

Rafia Zafar

I am graduated in computer science. I am a junior technical author here and passionate about Programming and learning new technologies. I have worked in JAVA, HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and PHP.