
Is There a Command to Undo Git Init

Sometimes, developers want to convert old projects into a Git repository. For this purpose, they mostly use the “$ git init” command. This command also enables them to create a new Git repository. However, over time, you may want to undo the git init or remove the development projects directory from the Git versioning system. In this situation, the “rm -rf .git” command can be utilized.

This blog demonstrated the procedure to undo the “git init” along with an example.

Is There a Command to Undo git init?

Yes, Git provides the command to undo the “git init” operation, which is the “rm” command with the “-rf” option to delete the hidden “.git” folder to undo the git init recursively. We will first move to the Git repository to execute the discussed command. Next, utilize the “$ git init” command to initialize the newly created repository. Then, check the current repository list of content, including the hidden files. Lastly, run the “rm -rf .git” command.

Let’s check out the procedure to undo the git init.

Step 1: Navigate to Desired Git Repository

First, execute the “cd” command and navigate to the Git local repository:

$ cd "C:\Users\nazma\Git\Test_8"


Step 2: Initialize Git Local Repository

Next, initialize the Git local repository by executing the “git init” command:

$ git init


Step 3: View Repository List of Content Including Hidden Folders

In order to display the list of content, including files of the current working repository, use the “ls” command with the “-1a” option:

$ ls -1a

As you can see, the current repository is previously initialized, where the “.git” folder exists:

Step 4: List the “.git” Folder Content

To view the content of the “.git” folder, utilize the below-provided command:

$ ls .git


Step 5: Undo “git init”

Finally, execute the “rm” command with the “-rf” option to delete the “.git” folder recursively and undo the initialize repository:

$ rm -rf .git


Step 6: Verify Undo “git init”

Lastly, ensure the undo “git init” operation through the “ls” command with the “-1a” option:

$ ls -1a

It can be observed that we have successfully undo the git init operation:

That’s all! We have explained how to undo the “git init” using the “rm -rf” command.


Yes, the “rm” command can undo the “git init” action. To do so, first, check the content list to view the all hidden files and folders. Then, execute the “rm -rf .git” command to delete the “.git” folder to undo the git init operation. This blog described the method to undo the git init.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.